About the Least Corrupt Countries in The World

In 2023, Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index ranked Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden as the least corrupt countries. These nations are recognized for their strong anti-corruption measures, strong institutions, and accountability. The CPI defines corruption as an “abuse of entrusted power for private gain” and reflects the perceived levels of corruption. It ranks 180 countries on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

  • Syria, South Sudan, and Venezuela are the most corrupt countries in the world, scoring 13 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Somalia also scores 11 on the index
  • Since 2017, ten countries have significantly declined on their CPI scores: The significant decliners are:Luxembourg (77), Canada (74), the United Kingdom (73), Austria (71), Malaysia (47), Mongolia (33), Pakistan (27), Honduras (23), Nicaragua (19) and Haiti (17)
  • Eight countries improved on the CPI during that same period: These are: Ireland (77), South Korea (63), Armenia (46), Vietnam (42), the Maldives (40), Moldova (39), Angola (33) and Uzbekistan (31)

List of Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries In The World

The top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in the World are Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg.

According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International, most of the countries made little to no progress in tackling corruption in the public sector, and the CPI global average remained unchanged at 43 for the twelfth consecutive year.

In this article, we have provided the list of top 10 least corrupt countries in the World, with their CPI Score.

Table of Content

  • About the Least Corrupt Countries in The World
  • Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World
  • Tenth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Ireland
  • Ninth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Germany
  • Eighth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Netherlands
  • Seventh Least Corrupt Country in the World – Switzerland
  • Sixth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Singapore
  • Fifth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Sweden
  • Fourth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Norway
  • Third Least Corrupt Country in the World – New Zealand
  • Second Least Corrupt Country in the World – Finland
  • Least Corrupt Corrupt Country in the World – Denmark

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About the Least Corrupt Countries in The World

In 2023, Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index ranked Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden as the least corrupt countries. These nations are recognized for their strong anti-corruption measures, strong institutions, and accountability. The CPI defines corruption as an “abuse of entrusted power for private gain” and reflects the perceived levels of corruption. It ranks 180 countries on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean)....

Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

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Fifth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Sweden

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Least Corrupt Corrupt Country in the World – Denmark

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Summary – Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

The top 10 least corrupt countries in the world, according to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, represents integrity and transparency. Denmark secures the top position with a score of 90, followed closely by Finland and New Zealand, both sharing the second position with a score of 87. Sweden and Norway claim the fourth and fifth places, scoring 83 and 84, respectively. Switzerland, Singapore, Ireland, and the Netherlands are present in the list of top 10 emphasizing their commitment to combatting corruption and maintaining clean public sectors. These nations consistently demonstrate strong ethical business environments and a lack of public perception regarding corruption as a significant societal issue....

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