Writing to Streams

Writable streams in NodeJS, such as fs.createWriteStream() for writing data to files, http.ServerResponse for writing data to HTTP responses, and process.stdout for writing data to standard output, allow you to write data chunk by chunk.

const fs = require('fs');
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');

writeStream.write('Hello, ');
writeStream.end(); // Close the stream

How to handle streaming data in Node ?

Streaming data in NodeJS involves processing data in chunks as it becomes available, rather than waiting for the entire dataset to be loaded into memory. This approach is particularly useful for handling large files, network data, or real-time data sources. NodeJS provides a powerful set of streaming APIs that allow developers to efficiently handle streaming data. Here’s how you can handle streaming data in NodeJS:

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NodeJS provides a versatile set of streaming APIs that enable efficient handling of streaming data. By using readable, writable, transform, and piping streams, developers can process large datasets, handle network communication, and perform real-time data processing tasks with ease. Leveraging streaming data processing capabilities is essential for building scalable, performant, and memory-efficient applications in NodeJS....

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