How to add a Background Image using Tailwind CSS ?
To add a background image using Tailwind CSS, you can use the bg-[image-class] utility class, where [image-class] corresponds to a predefined set of background image classes. You also need to set the actual image URL using inline or external styles....
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How to Customize the Font Size in Tailwind CSS ?
Customizing font size in Tailwind CSS involves using the text-[size] utility class, where [size] can be predefined size identifiers like xs, sm, md, lg, xl, or numerical values. Additionally, you can extend the default font sizes in the configuration file for more customization....
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How to Horizontally and Vertically Center an Element in Tailwind CSS ?
To horizontally and vertically center an element in Tailwind CSS, you can use the combination of flexbox and alignment utility classes. Apply flex and alignment classes to the parent container, and use mx-auto and my-auto for horizontal and vertical centering respectively....
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How to create a full-width Container in Tailwind CSS?
Creating a full-width Container in Tailwind CSS involves using the container class along with additional utility classes like mx-auto to centre the content. The container class ensures that the content remains within a fixed width, and mx-auto centres it horizontally....
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What are User-defined Functions and Built-in Functions in PHP?
In PHP, User-defined functions are created by programmers to meet specific requirements, while PHP built-in functions are provided by PHP to perform common tasks without the need for manual implementation. Both types of functions play crucial roles in PHP development, offering flexibility, modularity, and efficiency in coding....
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Explain the event-driven architecture of Node JS
NodeJS is built on an event-driven architecture, which is fundamental to its asynchronous and non-blocking I/O model. This architecture revolves around the concept of events, event emitters, and event listeners, enabling efficient handling of asynchronous operations and concurrent requests. Let’s delve into the key components and principles of the event-driven architecture in NodeJS....
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Latest Version of HTML
The latest version of HTML is HTML5, which stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML5 enhances the capabilities of the web by introducing new elements, attributes, and behaviors. It allows for more dynamic and interactive web pages. HTML5 also includes improved support for multimedia, graphics, and more complex web applications, making it easier to build modern, responsive websites....
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How to set the Width and Height in Tailwind CSS ?
Setting the width and height in Tailwind CSS involves using utility classes like w-[size] and h-[size]. These classes allow you to easily define the width and height of elements in your project....
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What is Value in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, `` refers to the event target of a user interaction, typically within an event handler function. It represents the DOM element upon which the event occurred. For instance, in an event listener for a button click, if the user clicks the button, `` would point to that specific button element. This property is often used to access or manipulate the properties of the triggering element. It’s crucial for handling dynamic content or multiple similar elements where identifying the specific element interacting with the user is necessary. Understanding `` is particularly valuable when implementing responsive and interactive web applications, as it allows developers to tailor responses based on the specific UI element involved in the user’s action. This property is commonly employed in conjunction with various DOM manipulation techniques for creating more dynamic and user-friendly interfaces....
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What is Anonymous Function in PHP ?
Anonymous Function, also known as closures, are functions in PHP that do not have a specific name and can be defined inline wherever they are needed. They are useful for situations where a small, one-time function is required, such as callbacks for array functions, event handling, or arguments to other functions....
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How to Create an Empty Map in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can create an empty Map using the Map constructor. whenever we initialize any map it is empty at first and we need to declare the key-value pair inside the map constructor to construct the map having values....
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How do you use multiple useEffect in a component?
useEffect is a hook used to perform side effects in function components. If you need to use multiple useEffect hooks in a single component, you can simply place them one after the other within your component function....
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