Wildlife in America: 12 Iconic American Animals for National Wildlife

The refuges play a vital role in preserving and protecting these iconic wildlife species, contributing to their conservation and providing opportunities for people to appreciate and observe them in their natural habitats.

Wildlife Species National Wildlife Refuge Location Notable Features
Elk National Elk Refuge Wyoming Hosts the 11,000-strong Jackson elk herd, known for their winter migration.
American Alligator Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Georgia An estimated 200,000 alligators in Georgia, mostly reside in protected areas like Okefenokee and rarely pose threats to humans.
Bald Eagle James River National Wildlife Refuge Virginia Iconic American birds, symbolizing national identity, populations have recovered significantly over the years.
Bison National Bison Range Montana Bison conservation success story, the refuge hosts hundreds of bison, contributing to the species-wide comeback.
Polar Bear Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Alaska Only national conservation area where polar bears regularly den, significant wildlife presence including caribou and musk oxen.
Manatee Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge Florida Protected habitat for West Indian manatees, important for conservation efforts due to vulnerability to human-caused threats.
Moose Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge Alaska Moose symbolize the robust natural bounty of North America, refuge offers vital shelter for moose populations.
California Condor Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge California Endangered species making a comeback, refuge provides essential habitat for survival and recovery efforts.
Grizzly Bear Swan River National Wildlife Refuge Montana Modern grizzly populations are limited, refuge serves as a habitat corridor and potential sighting area during the spring.
Pronghorn Antelope Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Arizona Habitat for Sonoran pronghorns, significant conservation efforts in place to protect this endangered subspecies.
Sandhill Crane Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge New Mexico Winter habitat for Rocky Mountain population of sandhill cranes, popular tourist attraction for birdwatching.
Bighorn Sheep Kofa National Wildlife Refuge Arizona Protects one of Arizonaā€™s largest populations of desert bighorn sheep, notable conservation success in recent years.

Wildlife in America

Wildlife in America: The fauna of the United States is very diverse, consisting of a variety of mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. With approximately 432 species of mammals, over 800 species of birds, more than 100,000 known species of insects, 311 reptile species, 295 amphibian species, and 1154 fish species, the country offers diverse wildlife. From the iconic white-tailed deer and bald eagle to the myriad butterflies, snakes, and frogs, the US is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists.

This article provides an overview of the interesting fauna found throughout the diverse landscapes of the United States, highlighting some of its most notable and beloved inhabitants.

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