Why have there been so many Amendments?

On January 26, 2019, the Constitution of India celebrated 69 years since its adoption, having undergone 103 amendments by January 12, 2019. Despite the relatively challenging process for amending the Constitution, the frequency of amendments appears high. An examination of the history of amendments reveals interesting patterns: between 1970 and 1990, there was a notable surge in amendments, with two periods standing out—1974 to 1976 and 2001 to 2003—when ten amendments occurred within three years each.

The political landscape during these periods differed significantly: the former marked Congress party dominance, while the latter was characterized by coalition politics and rivalry between the BJP and its opponents. However, the frequency of amendments cannot be solely attributed to the ruling party’s majority. Criticism of the high number of amendments is common, but the graphs suggest that amendments are not solely driven by political motives.

With amendments occurring consistently in every decade since the Constitution’s inception, it indicates the necessity for periodic revisions, regardless of political circumstances. This raises questions about the original Constitution’s adequacy and whether it is too flexible.

Constitution as a Living Document Chapter 9 Class 11 Notes

The Indian Constitution is a comprehensive and living document that governs the nation’s democratic framework. It establishes the structure of the government, outlines the rights and duties of citizens, and defines the powers of different branches. Amendments to the Constitution are essential to adapt to changing societal needs and emerging challenges while preserving its core principles and values.

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Constitution as a Living Document Chapter 9 Class 11 Notes

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