What is Seeding ?

In C++, seeding a random number generator is the process of initializing the generator with a starting value, called a seed. This seed value is used to start the algorithm that generates random numbers. It ensures that the sequence of random numbers can be reproduced if the same seed is used again. Without seeding, the random number generator would produce the same sequence every time the program runs, which would not be truly random.

How to Seed a Random Number Generator in C++?

In C++, seeding a random number generator is important for generating different sequences of random numbers on each program run. This process consists of initializing the generator with a starting value, known as a seed. This ensures the randomness and unpredictability required for various applications such as simulations, games, and statistical sampling. In this article, we will learn how to seed a random number generator in C++.


Enter the Seed Value: 4

Random Number 1 1968078301
Random Number 2 287724083
Random Number 3 410622274
Random Number 4 558519326
Random Number 5 460165363

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