How to validate HTML tag using Regular Expression
Given string str, the task is to check whether it is a valid HTML tag or not by using Regular Expression.The valid HTML tag must satisfy the following conditions:...
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Role of SemiColon in various Programming Languages
Semicolon is a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma. In programming, Semicolon symbol plays a vital role. It is used to show the termination of instruction in various programming languages as well, like C, C++, Java, JavaScript and Python....
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Hello World Program : First program while learning Programming
In this article, I’ll show you how to create your first Hello World computer program in various languages. Along with the program, comments are provided to help you better understand the terms and keywords used in theLearning program. Programming can be simplified as follows:...
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HTML Entity Parser
Given a string str which has various HTML Entities in it, the task is to replace these entities with their corresponding special character....
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Boolean Data Type
In programming languages, we have various data types to store different types of data. Some of the most used data types are integer, string, float, and boolean. The boolean data type is a type of data that stores only two types of values i.e. True or False. These values are not case-sensitive depending upon programming languages. The name Boolean comes from the branch of mathematics called Boolean algebra, named after George Bool the mathematician....
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How to communicate JSON data between C++ and Node.js ?
In this article, we will use JSON data to communicate between two programs called C++ and Node.js. We can use a common text format to communicate, but text format will contain a lot of complexities. However, JSON is lightweight and easy to use. JSON is language-independent and hence can be used by any programming language....
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Count of elements not divisible by any other elements of Array
Given an array arr[], the task is to determine the number of elements of the array which are not divisible by any other element in the given array. Examples:...
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Javascript program for counting frequencies of array elements
In this article, we are given an array that may contain duplicate values. We will print all elements and their frequencies if the duplicates exist. We can do this by using two methods:...
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Javascript Program to Find if there is a subarray with 0 sum
Given an array of positive and negative numbers, find if there is a subarray (of size at-least one) with 0 sum....
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Javascript Program to Find k maximum elements of array in original order
Given an array arr[] and an integer k, we need to print k maximum elements of given array. The elements should printed in the order of the input.Note : k is always less than or equal to n....
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Javascript Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Javascript Program for Print all triplets in sorted array that form AP
Given a sorted array of distinct positive integers, print all triplets that form AP (or Arithmetic Progression)Examples :...
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