What is Business and Environmental Protection?

Environmental protection is a serious issue that business leaders and decision-makers must confront. The term “environment” refers to the totality of man’s surroundings, both natural and man-made. These surroundings are also made up of resources that are beneficial to human life. Natural resources include land, water, air, fauna and flora, and raw materials, while manmade resources include cultural heritage, socioeconomic institutions, and people. It is widely acknowledged that the quality of the environment is rapidly deteriorating, mainly due to industrial activity.

This is a common sight in major cities such as Kanpur, Jaipur, Delhi, Panipat, Kolkata, and others across our country. Their emissions have a negative impact on people’s health. Pollution, or the release of harmful substances into the environment, is largely caused by industrial production. As some waste is inevitable in the use of materials and energy, manufacturers face a significant challenge in reducing the negative impact of this waste through the use of appropriate technologies. Environmental protection stands to benefit everyone. Pollution alters the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the air, land, and water. Pollution endangers both human and nonhuman life. It also degrades living conditions by wasting or depleting raw materials. The country’s cultural heritage is also under threat, and protecting all historical monuments has become incredibly hard. Pollution exists because the environment can only absorb limited pollutants and wastes.

Table of Content

  • Causes of Pollution
  • Types of Pollution
  • Need for Pollution Control
  • Role of Business in Environment Protection

Business & Environmental Protection: Causes, Types, Role & Need for Pollution Control

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