Types of Pollution

1. Air Pollution

Air Pollution is mostly caused by the manufacturing industry, which emits smoke, other pollutants, and carbon monoxide. The weakening of the ozone layer as a result of pollution has resulted in global warming. Automobiles, factories, homes with combustion appliances, and forest fires are a few common sources of air pollution. Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide are pollutants of major public health concern. Indoor and outdoor air pollution are major factors which contribute to morbidity and mortality and are known to cause respiratory and other illnesses.

Global climate and ecosystem changes have a direct impact on air quality. Numerous factors that contribute to air pollution, such as the burning of fossil fuels, are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Because they lessen the burden of disease linked to air pollution and help with both short and long-term climate change mitigation, policies to reduce air pollution offer a win-win strategy for both climate and health.

2. Water Pollution

Water pollution has killed numerous creatures and poses a severe threat to human existence. This has been caused by sewage problems as well as industrial waste released into rivers. Water is particularly prone to contamination. Water, sometimes known as a “universal solvent,” has the ability to dissolve more chemicals than any other liquid on the planet. It’s also why water has been so easily contaminated. Toxic compounds from farms, cities, and factories easily dissolve and combine with it, producing water pollution.

Non-point source agricultural pollution is one prominent example of water pollution. Agricultural fertilisers, pesticides, and soil-eroded particulate matter can enter streams, rivers, lakes, bays, and even the ocean after heavy rain events. The growth of algal blooms is then stimulated by high concentrations of nutrients, like phosphorous and nitrogen, which causes eutrophication, or oxygenation of the water. From the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, the resulting “fish kills,” “dead zones,” and drinking water crises are frequent across the United States. Water pollution can be decreased through agricultural practices that improve soil health and minimise synthetic inputs.

3. Land Pollution

When hazardous material is dumped on soil, it contaminates the land. As a result, the land loses its quality and becomes unfit for farming or planting. The dumping of solid or liquid waste items on land or underground in a way that can pollute soil and groundwater, endanger public health, and create unpleasant conditions and nuisances

Municipal solid waste (MSW, often known as municipal garbage), construction and demolition (C&D) waste or debris, and hazardous waste are the three types of waste that cause land contamination.

4. Noise Pollution

Noise pollution from factories and automobiles is not only annoying but it also a substantial health hazard. Noise pollution may cause a variety of ailments, including hearing loss, heart problems, and mental illness.

Machines, transportation, and propagation systems are the primary sources of outdoor noise globally. Poor urban planning may result in noise disintegration or pollution, and adjacent industrial and residential structures may result in noise pollution in residential areas. High noise levels can have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of coronary artery disease in humans. Noise can also increase the risk of death in animals by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfering with reproduction and navigation, and contributing to permanent hearing loss.

Business & Environmental Protection: Causes, Types, Role & Need for Pollution Control

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