What is a switch statement in C++?

The switch statement in C++ is a flow control statement that is used to execute the different blocks of statements based on the value of the given expression. We can create different cases for different values of the switch expression. We can specify any number of cases in the switch statement but the case value can only be of type int or char.

Switch Statement in C++

The C++ Switch case statement evaluates a given expression and based on the evaluated value(matching a certain condition), it executes the statements associated with it. It is an alternative to the long if-else-if ladder which provides an easy way to dispatch execution to different parts of code based on the value of the expression.

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What is a switch statement in C++?

The switch statement in C++ is a flow control statement that is used to execute the different blocks of statements based on the value of the given expression. We can create different cases for different values of the switch expression. We can specify any number of cases in the switch statement but the case value can only be of type int or char....

Syntax of switch Statement in C++

switch (expression) { case value_1: // statements_1; break; case value_2: // statements_2; break; ..... ..... default: // default_statements; break; }...

Example: C Program to demonstrate the syntax of switch in C++

C++ // C++ program to demonstrate syntax of switch #include using namespace std; // Driver Code int main() { // switch variable char x = 'A'; // switch statements switch (x) { case 'A': cout << "Choice is A"; break; case 'B': cout << "Choice is B"; break; case 'C': cout << "Choice is C"; break; default: cout << "Choice other than A, B and C"; break; } return 0; }...

Rules of the switch case statement in C++

There are some rules that we need to follow when using switch statements in C++. They are as follows:...

Flowchart of Switch Statement in C++

Flowchart of the switch statement in C++...

Working of switch Statement in C++

The working of the switch statement in C is as follows:...

Important Points About Switch Case Statements

1. Switch expression should result in a constant value...

Examples of switch Statement in C++

Example 1: C++ Program to make a Simple Calculator using the switch...

Advantages of switch Statement in C++

Easier to debug and maintain for a large number of conditions.Easier to read than if else if....

Disadvantages of switch Statement in C++

Switch case can only evaluate int or char type.No support for logical expressions.Have to keep in mind to add a break in every case....


In this article, we discussed the switch statement and how we can use it to replace long and complex if else if ladder statements. We also discussed the cases in which we can use the switch statement to make our C++ program more efficient....

FAQs on C++ Switch Statement

1. Define switch in C++....

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