What are Mendel’s Experiments?

Mendel worked on inheritance. Inheritance is genetic qualities that transfer from parent to offspring. Mendel took pea plants with different characteristics example-tall/short plants, white/violet flowers, etc. A gene that expresses itself in the presence of its contrasting gene in a hybrid is termed a dominant gene. A recessive gene is that whose expression is suppressed in the presence of a dominant gene e.g. in a hybrid (Tt) tall plant, the t gene for dwarfness is recessive and T gene for tallness is dominant.

  • Filial generation – The generation of offspring is termed filial generation. 
  • First Filial generation (F1) – The first generation of offspring produced from the parent generation.
  • Second Filial generation (F2) – The second generation of offspring.

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance | Mendel’s Experiments

Mendel’s law of inheritance states that offspring inherited from their parents that results in similar characteristics of parents and offspring. This law of inheritance depends upon three other laws including the law of dominance, the law of segregation, law of independent assortment. Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who conducted groundbreaking experiments on pea plants in the mid-1800s. Mendel’s experiments focused on the inheritance of certain traits, such as seed color, pod shape, and flower color, and he discovered that these traits are passed down predictably. 

In this article, we will learn about Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance, the Characteristics of Mendel experiments, and the Conclusion of the experiments.

Table of Content

  • Mendel’s Law of Inheritance
  • What are Mendel’s Experiments?
  • Characteristics of Mendel experiments 
  • Why was Pea Plant Selected for Mendel’s Experiments?
  • Conclusion of Mendel’s Experiments
  • Key Points of Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
  • Modern Applications of Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

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What are Mendel’s Experiments?

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