What are Floating Point Numbers?

Floating-point numbers are an efficient way to represent real numbers in computers. They consist of three parts:

  • Significant: The actual digits representing the number (e.g., 3.14159)
  • Exponent: Tells how many places to shift the significand to the left or right (e.g., -2 in 3.14159 x 10^-2)
  • Base: Typically 2 for computers, determining how numbers are represented internally

Why do floating-point errors occur?

Floating-point errors arise because computers store real numbers using a finite number of bits, leading to approximations and potential inaccuracies. Floating-point numbers have intrinsic limitations:

  • Finite precision: Only a limited number of digits can be stored in the significand, leading to rounding errors when representing exact decimals.
  • Loss of precision: Operations like addition or subtraction can further reduce precision, compounding the effects of rounding.
  • Underflow/Overflow: Extremely small or large numbers can fall outside the representable range, leading to underflow (becomes zero) or overflow (becomes infinity).

Types of Floating-Point Errors

a) Rounding errors: The most common, occurring when an exact decimal has to be approximated to fit the limited precision of a float.

b) Loss of precision: Subsequent operations can gradually accumulate rounding errors, leading to significant inaccuracies in the final result.

c) Catastrophic cancellation: When subtracting nearly equal numbers with opposite signs, their significant digits cancel out, leaving a small and inaccurate result.

d) Overflow/Underflow: These occur when calculations exceed the representable range of float values, leading to inaccurate or meaningless results.

Detecting Floating-Point Errors

  1. Observing unexpected results: Comparing calculated values to expected outcomes or visualizing data can reveal inconsistencies often caused by errors.
  2. Using libraries like numpy.finfo: Libraries like numpy provide tools like finfo to check the precision and limitations of different float data types.

Floating point error in Python

Python, a widely used programming language, excels in numerical computing tasks, yet it is not immune to the challenges posed by floating-point arithmetic. Floating-point numbers in Python are approximations of real numbers, leading to rounding errors, loss of precision, and cancellations that can throw off calculations. We can spot these errors by looking for strange results and using tools numpy.finfo to monitor precision. With some caution and clever tricks, we can keep these errors in check and ensure our Python calculations are reliable. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of floating-point errors in Python.

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