Top 10 VS Code Extensions For Angular Developers
VS Code is the most commonly used code editor which provides a bunch of features that are very helpful for developers in writing code. Visual Studio Code extensions helps to do the development with ease and support the development workflow. This article enlists some of the important Visual Studio Code extensions for Angular or while working on Angular....
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Send unlimited Whatsapp messages using JavaScript
When it comes to web development, JavaScript can do wonders! Let me show you one more wonder of JavaScript....
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How to create a progress bar using HTML and CSS?
The progress bar is an important element in the web, the progress bar can be used for downloading, marks obtained, skill measuring unit, etc. To create a progress bar we can use HTML and CSS. To make that progress bar responsive you will need JavaScript.In this article, we will learn to create progress bars using HTML and CSS....
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Python | User groups with Custom permissions in Django
Let’s consider a trip booking service, how they work with different plans and packages. There is a list of product which subscriber gets on subscribing to different packages, provided by the company. Generally, the idea they follow is the level-wise distribution of different products....
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Top 10 Programming Languages of the World – 2019 to begin with…
If you are a newbie in the field of software development, the very first question comes to your mind is “Where to begin?” That’s undoubtedly true!...
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Data Visualization Using Chartjs and Django
Prerequisite : django installation With the growth of data, data visualization in become a import part here we will implement chart for our data in our web apps using chartjs with django. Django is a high-level Python Web framework based web framework and chartjs is an easy way to include animated, interactive graphs....
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How to Access Localhost on Mobile Browsers?
If you are working on some projects or on websites or web applications and wanted to take its look on mobile, if yes then please read these articles full it will help you a lot in the development. If you want to run your application in mobile browsers without much trouble, then read these articles till the end. Yes, of course, you can use your chrome inspect tools for that which you can find on right-click on chrome browsers and then choose device toggle toolbar. For better learning about chrome, dev-tools learn from here Chrome Inspect Element Tool & Shortcut....
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Web Development Using Java Technology For Beginners
In order to create a java web-based project with which the knowledge is up to programming language then you can follow the simple flow explained below while creating a project being a beginner. The first step geek in order to create such web development projects requires the knowledge about the web technologies carried forward to other frameworks. There are many ways to create such Java web projects, where there are many frameworks spring, maven, hibernate, etc depending on the requirement of the project. For a naive user knowledge will be missing out for Collection, framework, and web technologies but still, if someone wants to develop a proper java web application, the least idea of how to proceed further will require at least a combination of technologies to use with clear concepts of programming in any language preferably be it java or python as these days most of the tools are developed using these languages. So in order to combat these languages are preferred these days....
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Flutter – Important CLI commands
Flutter is a mobile development UI kit managed by Google. It is powered by dart language which is used for the Flutter framework to make applications for mobile, web, and desktop with a single codebase. Flutter Command-Line (CLI) tool enables a user to interact with flutter SDK....
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Setup GitLab Repository On Windows 10
GitLab is a place where we can manage our git repositories. It can be considered as an alternate of GitHub and Bitbucket. Currently, Gitlab is offering four versions namely Core, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate....
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Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) Design Pattern
Prerequisite- HTTP Protocol, GET and POST requests using Python...
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How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2019 : A Complete Guide
Do you know what’s a T shaped person? (And no, it’s not a person standing with their arms in the Air!!!)...
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