Setup GitLab Repository On Windows 10

GitLab is a place where we can manage our git repositories. It can be considered as an alternate of GitHub and Bitbucket. Currently, Gitlab is offering four versions namely Core, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.

  1. Core: For small and personal projects. Free of cost.
  2. Starter: For small and personal projects who need professional support. It is paid.
  3. Premium: For teams who need high availability, high performance, and/or 24/7 support.
  4. Ultimate: For large enterprises who want to align strategy and execution with security and compliance.

In this article, we will use Core version and learn how to setup GitLab Repository on Windows System in order to manage your codes and projects. So let’s start: 1. Create Account on GitLab.

Username or Email:
Password: **********

2. Create New Project, named as “Test”.

  • 3.


    Git for Windows and install it. 4. Open Cmd and run following command to check the successful installation of Git.

    git --version

    5. Set username and email

    git config  --global ABC
    git config --global “”

    Note: Username and email should be same as your Gitlab Account. 6. Check for Success:

    git config --global --list

    7. Go to Directory from where you want to upload project. Right Click there and open “Git Bash Here”.

    8. Initialize Git here.

    git init

    9. Add changes from all tracked and untracked files.

    git add -A

    10. To add a new remote, use Project URL from GitLab:

    git remote add origin

    11. Commit changes with message:

    git commit -m "Your_Message"

    12. Now push project on GitLab

    git push origin master

    Pull GitLab Repository

    13. Go to the master branch to pull the latest changes from there

    git checkout master

    14. Download the latest changes in the project

    git pull REMOTE NAME-OF-BRANCH -u

    (REMOTE: origin) (NAME-OF-BRANCH: could be “master” or an existing branch)

    Create New Branch

    15. Create a branch. Spaces won’t be recognized, so you will need to use a hyphen or underscore.

    git checkout -b NAME-OF-BRANCH

    16. Work on a branch that has already been created

    git checkout NAME-OF-BRANCH

    17. View the changes you’ve made

    git status

    18. Add changes to commit. You’ll see your changes in red when you type “git status”.

    git add CHANGES IN RED

    19. Send changes to


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