Visualizing Multiple Linear Regression in 3D with R

We are going to create our own dataset to use for the multiple regression by using vectors concept in R and create a graph. The data we are going to use has two independent variables – age and experience and the dependent variable is income. Here the procedure same as the above codes.

Loading Packages


#loading the package rgl

Building Linear Regression Model


#data to be used in the plot
age <- c(25,30,47,32,43,51,28,33,37,39,29,47,54,51,44,41,58,23,44,37)
exp <- c(1,3,2,5,10,7,5,4,5,8,1,9,5,4,12,6,17,1,9,10)
income <- c(30450,35670,31580,40130,47830,41630,41340,37650,40250,45150,27840,46110,
#multiple linear regression model
lm_model= lm(income ~ age + exp)


lm(formula = income ~ age + exp)
(Intercept) age exp
28982.46 68.95 1082.37

Visualizing Regression Graph


#create new window for 3d plotting
#plotting the model in the created window
plot3d(lm_model, plane.col='blue')
#title of the graph
title3d("Multiple Linear Regression 3D Plot")
# add animation for 30 sec duration
play3d(spin3d(axis = c(0, 0, 1)), duration = 30)


3D Multiple Regression Graph with rgl package in R

The output shown here helps us to predict the income when the experience and income is given. We can also observe that the dataset had an outlier, which may cause the model performance to decrease.

The output in R-studio looks like this:

Output in R studio

3D Multiple Regression Graph with rgl package in R

In this article, we are going to walk through the process of creating a 3D multiple regression graph using the rgl package in R programming language in detail.

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Examples of Creating 3D Multiple Regression Graph


Visualizing Multiple Linear Regression in 3D with R




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