Types of Waste

Broadly wastes are divided into two categories:

1. Biodegradable: Biodegradable wastes are those that can be degraded using microbial processes. E.g Fruits and vegetables peels, dead plants etc. These further include:

  • House or domestic waste: These types of waste includes kitchen waste that releases from the house.
  • Agricultural waste : This waste includes cattle dung and urine and stubble which may be burned after crop extraction. The stubble waste contributes to air pollution as  it is disposed off by burning.

2. Non-Biodegradable: These types of wastes are harmful for the environment and some of them are even categorized under Recalcitrant i.e., hard to degrade or non-degradable at all. For example, pesticides, heavy metals, plastics etc. Hazardous material dumps have the potential to emit smoke and hazardous vapours. The proper disposal of each type of trash is therefore required. These further include:

  • Industrial waste material: Industrial wastes are released from the different industries such as pharamaceuticals, factories or chemical industries. These industries release their waste in rivers and soil that results in environmental pollution.
  • Commercial waste material: Commerical waste is basically released from the school, colleges and office that includes paper waste.

Waste Disposal

Waste disposal is the process of taking undesired materials produced by industry, home use, or agriculture and discarding, recycling, or destroying them. Ecological dangers and pollutants will be reduced if proper trash disposal procedures are followed. It is essential to manage waste properly, which includes collecting waste in the right way and using scientific treatments that could reduce air, soil, and water contamination.

Waste disposal is one of the aspects of Waste management. Waste management is classified into different types based on the type of waste. Solid Waste Management, E-waste management, and Biomedical Waste Management are examples of waste management.

Table of Content

  • Types of Waste
  • 7R’s for Management of Waste material
  • Importance of Waste Disposal
  • Types of Waste Disposal
  • Collection and logistics

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