Types of Forces

1. What is a Force?

A push or a pull is called a force and the force is responsible for the change in shape, size, speed, and direction of an object.

2. What are the Different Types of Forces?

Forces are of different types based on the mode of contact and nature of particles responsible. In general the force are of two types, Contant Force and Non Contact Force.

3. What are 4 Types of Forces?

The 4 main types of forces that are observed in nature are,

  • Gravity (Gravitational Force)
  • Electromagnetism
  • Strong Nuclear Force
  • Weak nuclear Force

4. What are the 7 Types of Forces?

The seven different types of contact force are,

  • Normal Force
  • Applied Force
  • Muscular Force
  • Frictional Force
  • Air Resistance Force
  • Tension Force
  • Spring Force

5. What are the Types Classification of Forces?

In physics the force are generally classified into two categories that include,

  • Conatct Force
  • Non-Contact Force

6. What is Formula of Force?

The force acting on a body of mass ‘m’ that is moving with an acceleration ‘a’ is calculated as,

F = ma

7. What is Unit of Force?

The unit of force is Newton and it is also measured in Kgm/s2

8. What is Friction Force?

Friction force is a type of the contact force and this force always oppose the motion that produces it. Friction force is produced by the rough and crust surfaces of the bodies.

9. What are 2 Types of Forces?

The 2 Types of forces are,

  • Contact Forces
  • Non Contact forces

10. What are Types of Force class 8?

Types of Forces class 8 are of two types, contact force, i.e. the force that acts on the object that are in contact such as Friction and Non-contact Force that works on the object that are not in contact such as Gravitational force.

Types of Forces

Forces are an external cause that makes a body move, stop, and increase its velocity and other. There are various types of forces in physics and they are generally classified into two categories that are, Contact Force and Non Contact Force.

In general, we define a push and pull as a force, and force is required for the proper working of the cosmos. There is a force between the fundamental particles and also between the galaxies. All these types of forces are caused by various reasons and in this article, we will learn about the types of forces, examples, and others. Before starting with the types of force we must first learn What is force. We have to study types of forces in class 8.

Table of Content

  • What is Force?
  • Types of Forces
  • Contact Force
  • Non-Contact force
  • Examples on Force Formula

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