Traversal of Vector

1. Using Index Traversal

If a vector of structs v is needed to be traversed using a loop where we traverse from index number 0 to v.size()-1. Let us check it with for loop.



// C++ Program to illustrate
// Traversing of a vector
// Using index number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Declaring a structure
struct Author {
    string author_name;
    int article_count;
    int article_views;
int main()
    // Declaring the vector of structs
    vector<Author> v = { { "Geek1", 124, 65000 },
                         { "Geek2", 156, 100000 },
                         { "Geek3", 10, 200 } };
    cout << "author_name"
         << "    "
         << "article_count"
         << "    "
         << "article_views" << endl;
    // Traversing vector
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        cout << v[i].author_name << "             "
             << v[i].article_count << "            "
             << v[i].article_views << endl;
    return 0;


author_name    article_count    article_views
Geek1             124            65000
Geek2             156            100000
Geek3             10            200

2. Using auto to Traverse

If a vector of structs v is needed to be traversed using auto, here auto automatically treats the variable as the iterator which helps to iterate over the vector.



// C++ Program to demonstrate
// traversing of a vector
// Using auto keyword
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Declaring a structure
struct Author {
    string author_name;
    int article_count;
    int article_views;
int main()
    // Declaring the vector of structs
    vector<Author> v = { { "Geek1", 124, 65000 },
                         { "Geek2", 156, 100000 },
                         { "Geek3", 10, 200 } };
    cout << "author_name"
         << "    "
         << "article_count"
         << "    "
         << "article_views" << endl;
    // Traversing vector
    for (auto& a : v) {
        cout << a.author_name << "             "
             << a.article_count << "            "
             << a.article_views << endl;
    return 0;


author_name    article_count    article_views
Geek1             124            65000
Geek2             156            100000
Geek3             10            200

C++ Vector of Structs


Structures are user-defined datatypes used to group various related variables into one single data type.  The structures can contain variables of different data types like int, string, boolean, etc. The variables are called the members of the structure. They become handy when we have to keep track of multiple variables while solving problems. 

Vector of structs can be used when there is a situation where we need to keep track of records in a data structure of different people with different characteristics. 


vector<struct_name> vector_name;

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