Top 7 Great Indian Mathematicians and Their Contributions

400 CE to 1500 CE was the golden age of Indian Mathematics. This period is also known as the Classic Period of Indian Mathematics. Now we are going to discuss about the top 7 great Indian Mathematicians and Their Contributions in detail as mentioned below.

1. Aryabhata

  • Aryabhata was born in Kusumapura of ancient India.
  • He was the first mathematician who is considered as the first astronomer also of ancient India.
  • Aryabhata used the decimal number system to solve square and cube roots.
  • He evaluated an accurate value of pi up to 4 decimal places.
  • Aryabhata calculated and proved that a year comprises with 365 days.
  • He discovered the spherical shape of Earth and its rotation on its axis.
  • Aryabhata calculated Earth’s circumference which was 99.8 percent accurate.
  • Aryabhata’s contributions we can find across trigonometry, geometry, astronomy, and more.

2. Varahamihira

  • He was born in ancient Ujjain in the 6th century CE in India.
  • He was the first mathematician who discovered a version of Pascal’s triangle.
  • He also evaluated the binomial coefficients.
  • He enhanced the accuracy of Aryabhata’s sine tables in later times.
  • Varahamihira invented the 4×4 magic square.
  • Panchasiddhantika and Brihat Samhita are some notable mathematical scripts of Varahamihira.

3. Brahmagupta

  • Brahmagupta was born in Ujjain.
  • He introduced zero in the world of mathematics. It was a brilliant concept where he defined Mathematics as “nothing” without zero.
  • He was the first mathematician to provide a mathematical formula for the Cyclic Quadrilateral.
  • Brahmasphutasiddhanta was the earliest text to acknowledge zero as a numerical entity which was written by him.

4. Srinivasa Ramanujan

  • Srinivasa Ramanujan was born in Tamil Nadu whose theories and concepts change the idea of mathematics during the early 20th century.
  • He earned the nickname “The man who knew Infinity.”
  • Ramanujan sent 120 Theorems to Professor Hardy of Cambridge University. For this he got an invitation to work there.
  • The number 1729 is now also known as the Hardy–Ramanujan number jointly.

5. P.C.Mahalanobis

  • Mahalanobis improved the process of statistical surveys. He introduced the concept of pilot and large-scale surveys.
  • Recognized as the “Father of Indian Statistics”.
  • He founded the Indian Statistical Institute of India.
  • He served as a member of India’s inaugural Planning Commission.

6. Satyendra Nath Bose 

  • SN Bose laid the foundation for theoretical physics in India.
  • He made so many significant contributions to quantum mechanics.
  • He particularly established the groundwork for Bose-Einstein statistics.
  • He discovered the Bose-Einstein condensate, the concept of bosons, development of Single field theory, research on the diffraction of X-rays, and exploration of electromagnetic waves.

7. Shakuntala Devi

  • She was born in Bengaluru, Karnataka who was famous as the “Human Computer” for her extraordinary mental calculating abilities.
  • She honored with a place in The Guinness Book of World Records in its 1982 edition.

Indian Mathematicians and Their Contributions

Indian Mathematicians and their Contributions are much more relevant and simultaneously significant in the modern context of development. Ancient to modern Indian mathematicians made immortal contributions to mathematics. They introduced concepts like the decimal system, zero, negative numbers, arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, and much more. These are documented in the Sanskrit sutras that outline the different rules and problems related to mathematics.

In this article, we will discuss the famous Indian Mathematicians and Their Contributions in detail.

Let us discuss.

Indian Mathematicians and their Contributions

Table of Content

  • Indian Mathematicians and their Contributions – Overview
  • Top 7 Great Indian Mathematicians and Their Contributions
  • List of Famous Female Mathematicians of India
  • Famous Indian Mathematicians and their Inventions
  • List of the Best Indian Mathematicians in the World

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