Text Datasets

Text datasets are a crucial component of Natural Language Processing (NLP) as they provide the raw material for training and evaluating language models. These datasets consist of collections of text documents, such as books, news articles, social media posts, or transcripts of spoken language.

IMDb Movie Reviews

The IMDb Movie Reviews dataset comprises a large collection of user-generated movie reviews sourced from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Each review is paired with a corresponding sentiment label indicating whether the review expresses a positive or negative opinion about the movie. The dataset offers a diverse range of films, covering various genres, release years, and cultural backgrounds, making it suitable for sentiment analysis and opinion mining tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP).


  • Dataset: Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
  • Content: User-generated movie reviews.
  • Labels: Binary sentiment labels (positive or negative).
  • Scope: Covers a wide range of films, genres, and release years.
  • Size: Typically, contains thousands to millions of reviews.
  • Language: Primarily in English.

AG News Corpus

The AG News Corpus is a popular dataset commonly used for text classification tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It consists of news articles collected from the AG’s corpus of news articles on the web, categorized into four classes: World, Sports, Business, and Science/Technology. Each article is accompanied by a title and a short description, making it suitable for tasks like topic classification and sentiment analysis. With its diverse range of topics and well-labeled categories, the AG News Corpus serves as a valuable resource for training and evaluating machine learning models in various NLP applications.


  • Dataset: AG News Corpus
  • Source: AG’s corpus of news articles on the web.
  • Content: News articles categorized into World, Sports, Business, and Science/Technology.
  • Labels: Four class labels representing different news categories.
  • Scope: Covers a broad range of current events and topics.
  • Size: Typically contains thousands of articles.
  • Language: Primarily in English.

Amazon Product Reviews

The Amazon Product Reviews dataset is a valuable resource in Natural Language Processing (NLP), containing a vast collection of user-generated reviews for products available on the Amazon platform. Each review is associated with the corresponding product and often includes additional metadata such as ratings, helpfulness votes, and timestamps. This dataset covers a wide range of product categories, including electronics, books, home goods, and more, making it versatile for various NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, aspect-based sentiment analysis, and recommendation systems. Researchers and developers utilize this dataset to train and evaluate machine learning models for understanding consumer sentiments, product preferences, and market trends.


  • Dataset: Amazon Product Reviews
  • Source: Reviews collected from the Amazon e-commerce platform.
  • Content: User-generated reviews for various products.
  • Metadata: Includes product IDs, review ratings, helpfulness votes, timestamps, and sometimes reviewer demographics.
  • Scope: Encompasses diverse product categories and brands available on Amazon.
  • Size: Typically consists of millions of reviews.
  • Language: Primarily in English, but may include reviews in other languages depending on the product.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

The Twitter Sentiment Analysis dataset is a widely used resource in Natural Language Processing (NLP), consisting of tweets along with their corresponding sentiment labels. These tweets are typically labeled with sentiment categories such as positive, negative, or neutral, reflecting the emotional polarity or sentiment expressed in the tweet. This dataset covers a diverse range of topics and user demographics, making it valuable for training and evaluating sentiment analysis models, opinion mining, and social media analytics. Researchers and developers leverage this dataset to understand public opinion, track trends, detect sentiment shifts, and build applications for sentiment analysis in real-time social media data streams.


  • Dataset: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
  • Source: Twitter platform, often collected via the Twitter API.
  • Content: Tweets (short text messages) along with sentiment labels.
  • Sentiment Labels: Typically include positive, negative, or neutral sentiment categories.
  • Scope: Encompasses a wide range of topics, events, and user interactions on Twitter.
  • Size: Varies in size, ranging from small-scale datasets to large-scale collections containing millions of tweets.
  • Language: Primarily in English, but datasets in other languages may also exist.

Stanford Sentiment Treebank

The Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) is a widely used dataset in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for fine-grained sentiment analysis tasks. Unlike traditional sentiment analysis datasets that label entire sentences or documents with a single sentiment label, SST provides sentiment annotations at the phrase or sub-sentence level. This means that each phrase or sentence in the dataset is annotated with its sentiment polarity (positive, negative, or neutral), allowing for more nuanced sentiment analysis.


  • Dataset: Stanford Sentiment Treebank
  • Source: Created by researchers at Stanford University.
  • Content: Consists of sentences or short phrases from movie reviews.
  • Sentiment Labels: Each phrase or sentence is labeled with its sentiment polarity (positive, negative, or neutral).
  • Fine-grained Annotation: Sentiment labels are assigned to individual phrases within sentences, providing fine-grained sentiment annotations.
  • Scope: Primarily focused on movie reviews but covers a diverse range of topics and writing styles.
  • Size: Contains thousands of sentences or phrases.
  • Language: Primarily in English.

Spam SMS Collection

The Spam SMS Collection dataset is a well-known resource for studying and addressing the issue of spam or unwanted text messages. It consists of a collection of SMS messages, where each message is labeled as either spam or non-spam (ham). This dataset is widely used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for text classification tasks, specifically spam detection.


  • Dataset: Spam SMS Collection
  • Source: Collected from various sources such as mobile carriers, research projects, and public contributions.
  • Content: SMS messages labeled as spam or ham.
  • Labels: Each SMS message is labeled as either spam (unsolicited or unwanted messages) or ham (legitimate messages).
  • Scope: Covers a diverse range of spam messages, including advertisements, phishing attempts, scams, and fraudulent schemes.

CoNLL 2003

The CoNLL 2003 dataset is a benchmark dataset widely used for Named Entity Recognition (NER) tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It was introduced as part of the CoNLL (Conference on Natural Language Learning) shared task in 2003 and has since become a standard dataset for evaluating NER systems.


  • Dataset: It is inbuilt in NLTK.
  • Source: Originally derived from Reuters news articles, but subsequently expanded with additional sources.
  • Content: Consists of English-language news articles annotated with named entities such as persons, organizations, locations, and miscellaneous entities.
  • Annotations: Each word or token in the text is labeled with its corresponding named entity category using the BIO (Beginning, Inside, Outside) tagging scheme.
  • Scope: Covers a diverse range of topics and writing styles found in news articles.


The MultiNLI (Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference) dataset is a large-scale collection of sentence pairs labeled for textual entailment, also known as natural language inference (NLI). Introduced as part of the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark, MultiNLI encompasses a diverse range of genres, domains, and writing styles, making it a comprehensive resource for evaluating models’ ability to understand natural language reasoning across different contexts.


  • Dataset: InBuilt in datasets library.
  • Source: Curated from a variety of sources, including fiction, non-fiction, government reports, and more.
  • Content: Consists of pairs of sentences, where each pair is annotated with a label indicating the relationship between the two sentences (entailment, contradiction, or neutral).
  • Genre Diversity: Covers a wide range of genres and domains to ensure diversity in linguistic phenomena and reasoning challenges.
  • Size: Contains tens of thousands of sentence pairs, divided into training, development, and test sets.


The WikiText dataset is a large-scale language modeling dataset extracted from Wikipedia articles. It serves as a valuable resource for training and evaluating language models in Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly for tasks such as next-word prediction, text generation, and language understanding.


  • Dataset: It is inbuilt in dataset library.
  • Source: Wikipedia articles from various domains and topics.
  • Content: Consists of raw text data extracted from Wikipedia articles, including paragraphs, sections, and entire documents.
  • Size: Typically contains millions of words, making it one of the largest publicly available language modeling datasets.

Fake News Dataset

The Fake News Dataset is a curated collection of news articles labeled as either real or fake, designed to facilitate research and development in detecting and combating misinformation and fake news dissemination. This dataset plays a crucial role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, particularly in text classification, where models are trained to distinguish between genuine and fabricated news articles.


  • Dataset: Fake News
  • Source: Aggregated from various sources, including news websites, social media platforms, and fact-checking organizations.
  • Content: Comprises news articles labeled as real or fake based on fact-checking assessments or ground truth annotations.
  • Labels: Each news article is labeled as either real or fake to indicate its authenticity.
  • Scope: Covers a diverse range of topics, including politics, health, science, and entertainment.
  • Size: Varies in size, ranging from small-scale datasets with hundreds of articles to large-scale collections containing thousands or more.

NLP Datasets of Text, Image and Audio

Datasets for natural language processing (NLP) are essential for expanding artificial intelligence research and development. These datasets provide the basis for developing and assessing machine learning models that interpret and process human language. The variety and breadth of NLP tasks, which include sentiment analysis and machine translation, call for a wide range of carefully chosen datasets.

We will examine the list of top NLP datasets in this article.

NLP Datasets

Table of Content

  • Text Datasets:
    • IMDb Movie Reviews
    • AG News Corpus
    • Amazon Product Reviews
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
    • Stanford Sentiment Treebank
    • Spam SMS Collection
    • CoNLL 2003
    • MultiNLI
    • WikiText
    • Fake News Dataset
  • Image/Video Datasets:
    • COCO Captions
    • CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100
  • Audio Datasets:
    • UrbanSound8K
    • Google AudioSet
  • Conclusion:

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Text Datasets:

Text datasets are a crucial component of Natural Language Processing (NLP) as they provide the raw material for training and evaluating language models. These datasets consist of collections of text documents, such as books, news articles, social media posts, or transcripts of spoken language....

Image/Video Datasets:

Image and video datasets are essential resources for training and evaluating computer vision models. These datasets typically consist of large collections of images or videos, often annotated with labels or bounding boxes, enabling models to learn patterns, objects, and actions....

Audio Datasets:

Audio datasets are essential resources for training and evaluating models in speech and audio-related tasks. These datasets typically contain recordings of speech, music, environmental sounds, or other acoustic signals, along with annotations or labels that enable models to learn patterns and perform various audio-related tasks....


In conclusion, NLP datasets serve as the cornerstone of advancements in artificial intelligence and language understanding. By carefully selecting, curating, and utilizing these datasets, researchers and practitioners can unlock new insights, develop innovative applications, and drive progress towards more intelligent and human-like AI systems....

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