Audio Datasets

Audio datasets are essential resources for training and evaluating models in speech and audio-related tasks. These datasets typically contain recordings of speech, music, environmental sounds, or other acoustic signals, along with annotations or labels that enable models to learn patterns and perform various audio-related tasks.


The UrbanSound8K dataset is a widely used resource in the field of audio analysis, particularly for sound classification and environmental sound recognition tasks. It consists of thousands of short audio clips spanning various urban environments, each labeled with one of several sound classes, such as car horn, dog bark, street music, jackhammer, and more.


  • Dataset: UrbanSound8K
  • Source: Created by researchers at the University of Michigan.
  • Content: Contains audio recordings captured from diverse urban environments, including streets, parks, construction sites, and more.
  • Annotations: Each audio clip is labeled with one of 10 sound classes, representing different urban sounds commonly encountered in everyday environments.
  • Duration: Audio clips are typically short in duration, ranging from a few seconds to a few tens of seconds.
  • Quality: The recordings may vary in quality and background noise levels, reflecting the natural variability of urban environments.
  • Size: The dataset contains over 8,000 audio samples, making it one of the largest publicly available datasets for urban sound analysis.

Google AudioSet

Google AudioSet is a large-scale dataset designed for audio event recognition and sound classification tasks. It consists of millions of annotated audio segments sourced from YouTube videos, covering a wide range of environmental sounds, musical instruments, human activities, and more.


  • Dataset: The dataset can be accessed through Google’s Official AudioSet Website.
  • Source: Curated from a diverse set of YouTube videos, spanning various genres, languages, and content types.
  • Content: Contains audio segments extracted from YouTube videos, typically lasting a few seconds to a few minutes.
  • Annotations: Each audio segment is labeled with one or more sound events or categories, indicating the presence of specific sounds or activities (e.g., applause, bird singing, car horn, etc.).
  • Variability: Covers a broad spectrum of sounds encountered in everyday environments, including ambient noise, musical instruments, animal sounds, human actions, and more.
  • Size: The dataset contains millions of audio segments, making it one of the largest publicly available datasets for audio event recognition.

NLP Datasets of Text, Image and Audio

Datasets for natural language processing (NLP) are essential for expanding artificial intelligence research and development. These datasets provide the basis for developing and assessing machine learning models that interpret and process human language. The variety and breadth of NLP tasks, which include sentiment analysis and machine translation, call for a wide range of carefully chosen datasets.

We will examine the list of top NLP datasets in this article.

NLP Datasets

Table of Content

  • Text Datasets:
    • IMDb Movie Reviews
    • AG News Corpus
    • Amazon Product Reviews
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
    • Stanford Sentiment Treebank
    • Spam SMS Collection
    • CoNLL 2003
    • MultiNLI
    • WikiText
    • Fake News Dataset
  • Image/Video Datasets:
    • COCO Captions
    • CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100
  • Audio Datasets:
    • UrbanSound8K
    • Google AudioSet
  • Conclusion:

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Image and video datasets are essential resources for training and evaluating computer vision models. These datasets typically consist of large collections of images or videos, often annotated with labels or bounding boxes, enabling models to learn patterns, objects, and actions....

Audio Datasets:

Audio datasets are essential resources for training and evaluating models in speech and audio-related tasks. These datasets typically contain recordings of speech, music, environmental sounds, or other acoustic signals, along with annotations or labels that enable models to learn patterns and perform various audio-related tasks....


In conclusion, NLP datasets serve as the cornerstone of advancements in artificial intelligence and language understanding. By carefully selecting, curating, and utilizing these datasets, researchers and practitioners can unlock new insights, develop innovative applications, and drive progress towards more intelligent and human-like AI systems....

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