Taxonomic Range

Cell Signalling is a basic feature of cellular coordination and communication that is present in a large variety of living things.

  1. Bacteria: Quorum sensing is a perfect example for it, which help bacteria to make biofims.
  2. Archeae: Archeae also to Cell Signaling like bacteria to communicate with each other.
  3. Protists: These are unicellular organism which deployed Cell Signaling to communicate, differentiation and locomotoion.
  4. Fungi: Cell Signaling has a variety of roles in the mating, filamentation, and stress response of yeasts and other fungi.
  5. Plants: Plants also performs Cell Signaling in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  6. Animals: Cell Signaling is highly developed in multicellular organisms and is essential for functions such as immune response, nervous system function, hormone control, and embryonic development.
  7. Humans: Human Cell Signalling is well understood to be essential for preserving homeostasis, controlling organ functions, and reacting to environmental cues.

Cell Signaling

Cell Signaling is a process by which Cells communicate with each other or within the Cell to perform various physiological activities and functions. Cell Signaling is also known as Cellular Signaling. The Cell Signaling process is vital for the proper functioning of prokaryotic and eukaryotic Cells. Cell Signaling involves three steps from receiving of Signal to termination of Signal including Signal, receptor, and effector.

Signals can be chemical and physical, Physical Signals like electric current, pressure, and temperature while chemical Signals include insulin, sodium, potassium, hormones, etc. In this article we will learn about, types of Signals, receptors, taxonomic range, etc.

Table of Content

  • Define Cell Signaling
  • What is Cell Signaling?
  • Stages of Cell Signaling
  • Taxonomic Range
  • Types of Cell Signaling
  • Receptors of Cell Signaling
  • Functions of Cell Signaling

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