Receptors of Cell Signaling

The process of Cell Signaling is the interaction of Signaling molecules, or ligands, with certain receptors either within or on the surface of target Cells. Receptors are molecules, either proteins or other, that attach to Signaling molecules and start a cascade of events that results in a response from the Cell.

Cell Surface Receptors

  1. G- Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCR): GPCRs are the class of Cell surface receptors that activate G proteins, which are intracellular signalling proteins, to send messages inside the Cell.
  2. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs): Receptors on the Cell surface with intrinsic kinase activity are known as RTKs. Tyrosine residues become phosphorylated and subsequent Signaling cascades are started when a ligand binds to the kinase domain.
  3. Ion Channel Receptors: These membrane proteins, known as integral receptors, open or close ion channels in response to ligand binding, allowing ions to cross the Cell membrane.

Intacellular Signaling

  1. Nuclear Receptors: Nuclear receptors are transcription factors that are located inside Cells and control the expression of genes in response to ligand binding.
  2. Cytoplasmic Receptors: Certain transduction-inducing receptors reside in the cytoplasm and do not penetrate the nucleus.Fo example MAP kinase pathway.

Enzyme linked Receptors

  1. Receptor Guanylyl Cyclases: These receptors function as both enzymes and ligand-binding agents. They function as a secondary messenger by catalysing the transformation of GTP into cyclic GMP upon ligand interaction.
  2. Histidine Kinase Receptors: Signal transduction systems consisting of two components include histidine kinases. On histidine residues, they phosphorylate themselves, and subsequently they transmit the phosphoryl group to destinations downstream.

Pattern Recognition Receptors

  1. Toll Like Receptors (TLLRs): They set off immunological reactions by identifying certain molecular patterns linked to infections.

Other Receptors

  1. Adhesion Receptors: Interactions between Cells and the extracellular matrix are mediated by these receptors. Adhesion receptors include, for example, integrins.
  2. Cytokine Receptors: Cytokines, crucial Signaling molecules in immune responses and other processes, operate through these receptors to modulate their effects.

Cell Signaling

Cell Signaling is a process by which Cells communicate with each other or within the Cell to perform various physiological activities and functions. Cell Signaling is also known as Cellular Signaling. The Cell Signaling process is vital for the proper functioning of prokaryotic and eukaryotic Cells. Cell Signaling involves three steps from receiving of Signal to termination of Signal including Signal, receptor, and effector.

Signals can be chemical and physical, Physical Signals like electric current, pressure, and temperature while chemical Signals include insulin, sodium, potassium, hormones, etc. In this article we will learn about, types of Signals, receptors, taxonomic range, etc.

Table of Content

  • Define Cell Signaling
  • What is Cell Signaling?
  • Stages of Cell Signaling
  • Taxonomic Range
  • Types of Cell Signaling
  • Receptors of Cell Signaling
  • Functions of Cell Signaling

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