Switch Case with Range

Using range in switch case means in the above scenario we used to check only one value to the given attribute but now we can check a range of values to the given attribute in a single case

So for using a range in the switch case let’s refer to an example

case '1': .....#some statements to execute
case '2': ....#some another set of statements to execute.

In this case a is checked to 1 and 2 only know if we want to check it for numbers 1 to 100 and we have to print desired statements for them then we have to write 100 cases to check it .So its very long and instead we can use range in case as syntax mentioned below.


case 'low' .. 'high':
#set of statements to execute( low<high )

Example with range in Switch Case

switch(a){ case 1 … 100 : // Statements case 101 … 200: // Statements}

Using Range in C++ Switch Case

In C++, we generally know about the switch case which means we give an attribute to the switch case and write down the cases in it so that for each case value we can make desired statements to get executed. We can also define the cases with a range of values instead of a single value.

Prerequisites: Switch Case in C++

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