Structure of the Judiciary

What is the structure of India’s judiciary, and how does it function?

The judiciary in India is structured in a pyramidal fashion, with the Supreme Court at the top, followed by High Courts and district/subordinate courts. Each level has specific jurisdictions and functions, with lower courts operating under the supervision of higher courts.

What are the main jurisdictions of the Supreme Court in India?

The Supreme Court of India has three primary jurisdictions: original, appellate, and advisory. It can adjudicate on cases involving federal relations, serve as the highest appellate body, and provide advisory opinions to the President on matters of public importance or constitutional interpretation.

Can individuals directly approach the Supreme Court if their fundamental rights are violated?

Yes, individuals whose fundamental rights are violated have the option to directly petition the Supreme Court for remedy through writs. The Court has the authority to issue special orders to the executive to rectify such violations.

What role do High Courts play in India’s judicial system?

High Courts serve as appellate bodies, reviewing decisions made by lower courts within their jurisdictions. They ensure consistency and correctness in legal interpretations, contributing to the overall efficacy of the judicial system.

Are decisions made by the Supreme Court binding on all other courts in India?

Yes, decisions rendered by the Supreme Court are binding on all other courts within the territory of India. Article 144 of the Constitution mandates that all authorities, civil and judicial, act in aid of the Supreme Court, highlighting the enforceability of its orders nationwide.

Chapter 6: Structure of the Judiciary| Class 11 Polity Notes

The judicial system in India is structured in a pyramidal manner, with the Supreme Court positioned at the apex, followed by the High Courts, and further down, the district and subordinate courts.

Let’s delve into each level of judiciary and their respective jurisdictions!

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