Steps To Installation SteamCMD On Linux

SteamCMD can be installed on Linux in the following ways:

Step 1: By using package managers

SteamCMD can be installed by using the package manager of your Linux distribution if it’s available in the official repositories of your Linux distro. Here is how you can do this on RedHat/CentOS and Ubuntu/Debian:


sudo apt-get install steamcmd


yum install steamcmd

Step 2: Manually download and execute it from a script file

To manually download and execute steamCMD on your Linux distro, you can execute the following command


mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd
curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -

This will create a steamcmd directory and download the steamcmd shell script inside it. You can then execute that shell script like – ./

You can learn more about Steam cmd from here –

Steps To Installation Of SteamCMD On Windows

Step 1. You can download SteamCMD on Windows by this link –

Step 2. You can execute steamcmd.exe using Windows Command Prompt like –



So this was how to install any game server using SteamCMD Dockerimage. As we know that Docker is an open-source platform used for containerization. Hence, regardless of whichever OS you are using, you can simply install Docker and follow this tutorial to install your favorite game server using Docker and SteamCMD. This means you can follow the above tutorial for Windows, Linux as well as macOS and host a SteamCMD game server on a Windows machine as well as a MacBook, without downloading binaries/executables for Windows/macOS.

How To Use Docker for Gaming Servers with SteamCMD?

Pre-requisite: Docker

Docker is an open-source software that is used to containerize applications. Containerization makes the deployment of applications easy. Today we will deploy a SteamCMD game server using docker. Deploying game servers using docker will make it easy to deploy our game servers on a new server which may be present anywhere around the world.

Here, we will use a droplet rented from the digital ocean for hosting our SteamCMD game server. Using a cloud provider for hosting purposes is relatively easier and cheaper than hosting anything on your own PC. Hence, you are recommended to use a cloud provider for hosting this game server. These are the recommended specifications for hosting a CS: GO game server (this may vary from game to game):

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Required Specifications


Steps To Deploy CS: GO Server Using Docker

We will be using Ubuntu as a base image for our container. But you can also use other distros for your docker container....

Features Of The SteamCMD Docker Container

The Docker container in this particular article, that we created was by using a Dockerfile. The Docker container can grow up to a limit of a maximum of 10 GB and not more than that. Hence, it is really important to set up a secondary volume for the game files separately, as we did in this tutorial. It is better not to increase the default size limit of a container as this will create larger-sized images that will be really difficult to manage. Other than that, the image will take a lot of network bandwidth each time you shift it to a new server. However, if you still want to increase the default size of each docker image you make, you can follow the steps at the end of this article. We set/home steam cmdsteamcmd directory and inside it, the SteamCMD files will be downloaded. The will download and configure SteamCMD as well as start our game server. debconf-set-selections was used to set values for the steamCMD user agreement. The installed steamcmd binary was symlinked to /usr/bin so that it could be executed and is available systemwide....

SteamCMD application

SteamCMD is a command-line version of Steam created by Valve Corporation. It was created to do server sided tasks like hosting game servers as servers usually don’t have a GUI. These are the things you can do in SteamCMD:...

Steps To Installation SteamCMD On Linux

SteamCMD can be installed on Linux in the following ways:...

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