Steps to Install Jekyll-Paginate Gem

To install the Jekyll-paginate gem, you will first need to have Ruby and Jekyll installed on your computer. Once you have those dependencies installed, you can use the following steps to install the gem:

Step 1: Open a terminal or command prompt window and navigate to the root directory of your Jekyll site.

Step 2: Run the following command to install the Jekyll-paginate gem:

ruby -v

gem list


ruby -v is a command that is used to display the version of Ruby that is currently installed on the system. gem list command is used to display the list of all gems currently installed on the system. You can also use the flag –local to list all the gems that are installed on the system’s local repository,


gem list all gems in the system

gem list –local list of all gems in the system’s local repository

gem list <gemname> list details of specified gem

Note that gem is the package manager for Ruby, similar to how npm is the package manager for JavaScript. gem is used to manage the installation and management of libraries and packages for the Ruby programming language.

gem install jekyll bundler


The gem install command is used to install a specific gem or package for the Ruby programming language. In this case, the command gem installs Jekyll bundler installs the Jekyll gem, and the bundler gem. jekyll is a popular static site generator written in Ruby, which is used to create simple and easy-to-use websites, such as blogs. It takes plain text files, written in Markdown or Textile, and turns them into a complete, static website.

Bundler is a package management tool for Ruby. It is used to manage the dependencies of a Ruby project by specifying which gems and versions should be used. It allows the developer to specify which versions of the gems the project is compatible with and ensures that the correct versions are installed on the system. By using gem install Jekyll bundler, you are installing both Jekyll gem as well as bundler gem in your system.

The configuration below will enable pagination on your Jekyll site, with a maximum of 5 posts per page. The paginate_path specifies the URL pattern to use for paginated pages on your sites.


  • Ruby: Ruby is a programming language that is often used for web development and scripting. It is the language in which the Jekyll-paginate gem is written.
  • Jekyll: Jekyll is a static site generator that is built with Ruby. It is used to create websites and blogs that are easy to maintain and can be hosted on a variety of platforms, including GitHub Pages.
  • Gem: In the context of Ruby, a gem is a package of pre-written code that provides a specific functionality or set of features. The Jekyll-paginate gem is a Ruby gem that provides pagination functionality for Jekyll websites.
  • Gemfile: A Gemfile is a file used by the Ruby package manager Bundler to manage the gem dependencies of a Ruby project. When you install the Jekyll-paginate gem, you will need to add it to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile.
  • Bundler: Bundler is a Ruby gem that is used to manage the dependencies of a Ruby project. It is used to install the gems specified in a project’s Gemfile. When you install the jekyll-paginate gem, you will use the bundle install command, which is provided by Bundler.
  • Pagination: Pagination is a technique for dividing content into multiple pages. This can be useful for organizing long lists of content, such as a blog with many posts, to make it easier for users to browse and navigate. The Jekyll-paginate gem provides pagination functionality for Jekyll websites.
  • _config.yml: The _config.yml file is a configuration file used by Jekyll. It contains settings and options that control the behavior of your Jekyll site. When you enable pagination on your Jekyll site, you will need to add some configuration to your _config.yml file.

How to Install jekyll-paginate gem on Windows?

A Jekyll-paginate gem is an excellent tool that allows you to easily split your content into multiple pages. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing the Jekyll-paginate gem and integrating it into your Jekyll project. Whether you are new to Jekyll or an experienced user, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge you need to get started with pagination in Jekyll. So, let’s get started,

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Steps to Install Jekyll-Paginate Gem

To install the Jekyll-paginate gem, you will first need to have Ruby and Jekyll installed on your computer. Once you have those dependencies installed, you can use the following steps to install the gem:...

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