Installation of Node JS on Windows
Node.js can be installed in multiple ways on a computer. The approach used by you depends on the existing Node.js development environment in the system. There are different package installers for different environments. You can install Node.js by grabbing a copy of the source code and compiling the application. Another way of installing Node.js is by cloning the Node.js GIT repository in all three environments and then installing it on the system....
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How to Install ReactJS on Windows?
In this article, You’ll get to learn how to install ReactJS on Windows. We will guide you through each step of the installation process. Additionally, we’ll answer all your queries related to the installation of ReactJS, ensuring you have a smooth setup experience. Doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will help you get ReactJS up and running on your Windows system smoothly....
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How to Install php-curl in Ubuntu ?
CURL stands for Client URL. It is a Linux Terminal command which is used to transferring data from one server to another server. It is a free and open-source data transfer tool that uses the following protocols: IMAP, IMAPS, POP, POP3, POP3S, DICT, FILE HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, FTP, FTPS, TELNET, RTSP, RMTP, and TFTP....
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How to Install a Local Module Using npm?
This article shows how to install a local module using npm. Local modules are modules created locally in your Node JS application to create user-required functionality. These local modules include different functionalities of your application in separate files and folders. To link the local module first you must have the local module directory or package directory....
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How to install XAMPP on Windows ?
XAMPP is the most popular software package which is used to set up a PHP development environment for web services by providing all the required software components. During the process of software deployment, most of the web servers use almost similar components, so use of XAMPP provides easy transition from local server to live server. XAMPP is a AMP stack which stands for Cross platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, perl with some additional administrative software tools such as PHPMyAdmin (for database access), FileZilla FTP server, Mercury mail server and JSP Tomcat server. Other commonly known software packages like XAMPP are WAMP, LAMP, and others.The XAMPP server is used to test PHP pages. It works as local server. It contains a MySQL database to manage or save data on a local server.Advantages of XAMPP:...
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How to Install PHP on Linux?
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially used in web development. It was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, and build entire e-commerce websites and Linux is an open-source operating system. It was first released on  17 September 1991  by Linus Torvalds. In this article, we will know that How can we install PHP on Linux operating system....
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How to Install PHP GD in Windows?
GD is an open-source code library that is required to create and manipulate images in PHP. It is used for creating PNG, JPEG, and GIF images. It is commonly used to create charts, graphics, thumbnails, etc, and website development is the most common application of GD. It was originally developed by Thomas Boutell and is now maintained by Pierre-A. Joye under the umbrella of The GD library support should be enabled for working with image functions in PHP. In this article we will learn how to install PHP GD in windows:...
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How to install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7 ?
The ext-curl CURL stands for client user, In Linux cURL is a PHP extension, that allows us to receive and send information via the URL syntax. And ext-curl is the extension in the latest PHP-7 which is loaded with some of the advanced features of the basic curls....
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How to Setup Atom Editor with all the required Packages?
To get started with Atom, first, we’ll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system as well as the basics of how to build it from source with the proper packages needed for a Web-Developer....
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Introduction and Installation of Heroku CLI on Windows machine
Heroku: It is a cloud based application deployment and management service. Heroku works on the container based design system and these smart containers are known as dynos. It runs application inside various dynos and each dyno is separated from each other....
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How to Install ImageMagick and Imagick PHP extension in Ubuntu?
The Imagick function is used to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. The ImageMagick is the software suite to create edit and modify the compose bitmap images. This functions read, write and converts images in many formats including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF....
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How to Install and Set up a WAMP Server ?
Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP is commonly abbreviated as WAMP. Some people may confuse with LAMP but the only difference between the two is their operating systems. In case of LAMP, L stands for Linux. Setting up a server included the installation of all the software listed in the abbreviation. Another version is MAMP, which is for Mac....
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