Steps to Increase Wi-Fi Speed

1. Move your router to another better location: Wi-Fi can travel only so far and its signal can be disturbed or interrupted by an obstacle like walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, etc. these signals are also blocked by other devices like cordless phones, microwaves, Bluetooth speakers, etc. If you keep or place your router at the edge of your home space, then you will surely face the problem of speed. The best place for your router is a central location near where you use the most internet often. Do not place or fix your router in a basement or closest location where the router faces connectivity issues.


2. Adjust your router’s antennas: Many routers may have internal antennas, meaning they are established inside the device, and you cannot adjust them. But if you have movable antennas on your router, then you can be reconfiguring them. Router antennas are mostly omnidirectional, which means the router can send the signal in all possible directions perpendicular to the antenna. For example, a horizontal antenna sends out Wi-Fi signals vertically and vice versa. If you need to stretch your Wi-Fi signals from one floor to another, adjust the antenna to sit vertically to spread Wi-Fi signals up and down.


3. Extend your Wi-Fi network: If you have placed your router in the best location already, but you still have speed or connectivity issues in certain areas of your home, office, or hostel, then you may need to add a device that can stretch your Wi-Fi network signals for users. Below are the different devices you can use to increase the reach of your Wi-Fi network:

  • Wi-Fi boosters: it is placed or sits between your router and the dead zone and either amplifies or redistributes signals into new areas that are coming out of the router 
  • Power line extender: power line is the most commonly used extender to increase the speed of the network .it is a type of kit that comes with two devices: connect one to your router via Ethernet and plug it into an outlet, the other one where you want better Wi-Fi. Internet signals travel through electrical wiring.

4. Mesh Wi-Fi systems: Replace your router with so many devices to increase the signal .it works together to create a single Wi-Fi website that blankets your whole home, office, and hostel from multiple points.

5. Eliminate unnecessary connections: If you are running low on bandwidth, then disconnect or block all unnecessary or unused devices. It will help to increase the Wi-Fi speed.
The quickest and fastest way to disconnect all devices is to change the password on a regular basis and reboot your router. Once the password is successfully changed, you will then need to log back into your network with the new password on every device that you are trying to connect to.

6. Switch your Wi-Fi frequency band: Modern routers work on band frequency bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The band you use for your connection may also affect speeds and quality at different distances from your router. Whatever frequency band you are experiencing some temporary interference with, try to switch to another band. It will show a different Wi-Fi network or signal on your device. Usually with a label in the network name that identifies the network as either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. Typically, with a label in the network, it is either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.

How to Increase Wi-Fi Speed?

The Internet works through a series of networks that connect many devices at the same time in the world. The internet has made life easier and wonderful for all people. With the help of Wi-Fi connection making it possible for any number of people at home, office or hostel to be online at the same time and place. Users may be enjoying a perfectly strong Wi-Fi signal with a few steps. Here are some steps to increase or upgrade your Wi-Fi speed are as follows:


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Steps to Increase Wi-Fi Speed:

1. Move your router to another better location: Wi-Fi can travel only so far and its signal can be disturbed or interrupted by an obstacle like walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, etc. these signals are also blocked by other devices like cordless phones, microwaves, Bluetooth speakers, etc. If you keep or place your router at the edge of your home space, then you will surely face the problem of speed. The best place for your router is a central location near where you use the most internet often. Do not place or fix your router in a basement or closest location where the router faces connectivity issues....


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