Steps To Create Amazon Machine Image(AMI)

Step 1: Access AWS Services by following Step 1 and logging in.

  • At the top left corner of your AWS account, click on the AWS Services tab and proceed to log in.
  • EC2 is what you need to click on if youā€™re looking for the Compute category.

Step 2: Choose an AWS Region

Select the AWS Region in the top right corner of the EC2 dashboard to set up your EC2 server. Among numerous regions available across the globe, AWS enables you to opt one that best meets the needs of your apps with fast network response time and minimal downtime.


Step 3: Instance Launch

           1. On the EC2 dashboard, click the ā€˜Launch Instanceā€™ button.
           2. The instance creation wizard will open, guiding you through the process of configuring your instance.



Step 4: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Here we need to choose an AMI from the already available AMIs. Here we are choosing Amazon Linux Instance. You can select the appropriate AMI based on your application requirements. 


Step 5: Choose EC2 Instance Types

Here I am selecting t2.micro(Free Tier Eligible) as the Instance type, you will select the type of instance that best suits your needs based on CPU, memory, and storage requirements.


Step 6: Create and Download a Key Pair

Create a Key Pair if you donā€™t have one. Make sure to download the private key to use in future to launch an instance made using that key pair. Talking about key pair, it consists of a public key, which is stored on the instance, and a private key, which is used to securely connect to the instance.


Step 7: Configure Network Settings

In the network setting configuration, add number of Instances as 1, add the default VPC(or any other VPC if you have one) also the subnet connected to that vpc, then we will move on to create a security group which is the next step.


Step 8: Configure Security Groups

Specify the allowed protocols and IP addresses for the rules, whether it be by creating a new security group or utilizing an existing one. Our focus for the time being is on the default settings.


Step 9: Add Storage

EBS volumes for your instances come in three types: General Purpose SSD, Magnetic, and Provisioned IOPS. They can be adjusted or added as necessary to suit your applicationā€™s IOPS requirements.


Step 10: Review and Launch Instance

Make sure to review the configuration settings and make any necessary adjustments before you launch your instance. Then, proceed by clicking ā€œLaunchā€ once youā€™re content with the setup or else you can also review commands.

Amazon Web Services ā€“ Creating an Amazon Machine Image(AMI)

In this tutorial, weā€™ll go through in great detail how to create an Amazon Machine Image on AWS. An operating system, programmes, and configuration settings are all part of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which is a template for software configuration. You must choose an AMI to act as the instanceā€™s foundation when creating it in Amazon EC2. You can save time and guarantee consistency when launching numerous instances with the same configuration by building a custom AMI. A paused or operating Amazon EC2 instance can be used to build an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). If youā€™ve previously created an instance, proceed to the page where we started constructing an AMI; otherwise, carry on from here.

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