Step of Login Test with Selenium IDE

Step 1: Set Up and Launch Selenium IDE

1. First of all install the Selenium IDE extension for your preferred browser(Chrome, Firefox).

2. To download the Chrome extension go to Extensions and enter to Chrome webstore in the Browser.

Open chrome webstore

3. Inside the Chrome Web Store search Selenium IDE and install it.

Install selenium IDE

4. Now open the Selenium IDE from the chrome extensions.

Open Extensions

5. Then from Extensions select the Selenium IDE Extension and open it it will show the following interface.

Selenium IDE interface

6. Now click on the create a new project for new testing project in our case we are trying to conduct the login test so we will keep our project name Login-Test.

project name Login _Test

7. In the above image now you can see the real interface of the Selenium IDE ,to know the different functionalities of all these interface you can refer to this article Selenium IDE features and Its Application.

Step 2: Start Recording the Login Flow

1. Now create the new test case by clicking on the ‘+’ icon inside the test case panel and name it as the ‘TestCase1′.

2. One can create the multiple testcases within the test project using Test case panel, it even shows that which test case is successful and which test case is not, in other words it shows the summary of the execution of the test case.

Test Case Panel

3. After creating the test case launch the test case by clicking on the Record button, as you click on the record button it will open the window which will ask for the base URL of the web application on which we have to perform the test-case.

4. Currently we will take the “” as the base URL for our test case.

5. The purpose of our test case is to test the login functionality of the GFG by automating the test.

Base URL window

6. As we enter the base URL of the testing application and hit the Start Recording button, it will redirect us to the website on which we have to perform the test .

7. In our case as we have entered base URL as “”, the Selenium IDE will redirect us to the gfg website, and it will record each action we perform on that website.

8. As we can see now that now we are on the home page of “Geeks for Geeks” website, now click on the sign in button on top left right corner of the website. It will open the Sign-in window, enter the user name and password and then click on the sign-in button and it will logged in to the account.

Logged in w3wiki web

9. Once you get logged in to the account after that go to the selenium IDE and stop recording by clicking on the Recording button again.

Step 3: Review the Recorded Testcase or Assertion Phase

1. Now selenium IDE had recorded all the action that we performed on the website while signing-in to the account, you can see the record of all the action in the sequence within the Test Script Editor box.

Test Script Editor

2. The actions that we perform while recording the test case are stored in the command column, the target stores the ID of the components on which the action is performed they are also known as Locators and value stores the value that are entered inside the components while recording the test-case.

3. In our case there are two values that are stored, one is email or username and another is password value for the target user and ID-password.

4. After the recording of the testcase is completed stop the recording by clicking again on the recording button, and verify all the actions performed during the recording the test case.

Tool bar and replay button

5. Now your test case is success fully recorded and now we can use it multiple times as per our need. So whenever we have to perform the login test inside the web application certain times by changing values of the target components.

6. Moreover to review the recorded login testcase we go to toolbar feature of the Selenium IDE and replay the testcase by clicking on the replay button and observe the execution of the test case through LOG and Reference panel.

7. Inside the log panel we can observe that each action that we performed while signing into the ‘GFG; website or while logging in to the website, they are all performed sequentially and on the right side of each action the word ‘OK’ is also being displayed.

8. It indicates that the action is being successfully performed.

Review the test case through log panel

9. If any error occurs while executing the test case or while performing the action of the test case then it will show the text or error message in the red color as shown in the image below inside the log and reference panel.

Error occured while executing test case

Step 4: Save the Test Case

1. After the successful completion of the testcase and after asserting it and verifying it properly save the test case.

Save the test case

2. The test case will be saved with the “.side” extension , you can use these file multiple times to execute the test case.

Selenium IDE-Login Test

In today’s world of software development, ensuring seamless user journeys is crucial. Login functionality lies at the heart of most web applications, making robust testing indispensable. This guide introduces us to the Selenium IDE, a powerful tool for automating login tests and streaming our software testing process.

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