1. What is REST?

Ans: REST (Representational State Transfer) is a design pattern for creating web services. It establishes a set of constraints and principles for creating web APIs that are flexible, scalable, and simple to maintain.

2. What is the difference between REST and RESTful?

Ans: REST is a set of architectural guidelines for building APIs. RESTful APIs are APIs that adhere to REST guidelines.

3. What is the difference between RESTful and Non-Restful APIs?

Ans: RESTful APIs follow REST guidelines. On the contrary, Non-Restful APIs use other methods/protocols like SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) for communication.

4. What is the difference between Node and Express?

Ans: Node is a runtime built on Chrome’s V8 javascript runtime engine. Express is a framework for building web applications on top of Node.js

Related Resources:

5 HTTP Methods in RESTful API Development

JavaScript is by far one of the most popular languages when it comes to web development, powering most websites and web applications. Not being limited to only the client-side JavaScript is also one of the most popular languages which are used for developing server-side applications. Organizations use Javascript to create interactive and dynamic web applications for their customers. Today, most modern web applications rely on using REST architecture to improve the website’s dynamic capabilities.


Thus, there are some of the most crucial HTTP methods that you must know as a developer, to develop RESTful APIs for your application. RESTful APIs are those that follow the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style. With this being said, let’s continue with the article on the essential RESTful methods to assist you to have with working on the server side using JavaScript.

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5 Essential HTTP Methods in RESTful API Development

1. GET...

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