
It is the first and most important phase among all as all other further steps heavily rely on this particular one. It is consisting of the following approaches:

(i) Confront Yourself Honestly

You can’t even think of building a successful career in IT (or any other field as well), if you’re not aware of your goals, priorities, strengths, interests, and other related aspects. And to know all these things, you’re required to confront and asked relevant questions to yourself in an honest and accurate manner. You need to identify what are your career goals, academic background, skillset, domain preferences, etc. to make further plans and moves accordingly. For example, if you find out that you’re not actually inclined toward the development domain then you can explore other areas such as testing, networking, etc as per your preferences. You can take the help of your mentors, family, etc. in this as a little carelessness here can make your future career journey harsh.

(ii) Identify the Needs & Requirements of the Industry and Particular Domain

After knowing everything about yourself, now you need to know the demand and requirements of the industry as well. Okay, let us tell you why? Suppose, after the self-assessment process, you are clear in your mind that you want to make a career in Android Development. Now, if you won’t know what tech skills or academic background, or which certification can make you eligible to become a proficient Android Developer in the IT world – how will you even get started? Probably, you’d have got the point! So that’s why, you need to identify and analyze the required skills and complete a roadmap for making a career in any of the IT domains whether it be software development, data science, machine learning, etc.

(iii) Equip Yourself with the Relevant Skills and Technologies

Here the core part comes! Now, you need to start your learning journey and upskill yourself with the required tools and technologies. Though there are specific technologies for each domain such as you need to command over technologies like JAVA, Kotlin, XML, Android SDK, etc. to make a career as an Android Developer. Similarly, you need to know about Python, Hadoop, Spark, and many other technologies to become a Data Scientist. However, you need to know there are several fundamental skills as well in which you’re recommended to be well-versed to land a job in several tech giants in the IT world, two of which are – Data Structures & Algorithms and Programming Languages. In particular, Data Structure and Algorithms is the most preferred skill by big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Uber, etc.

You can learn these skills through numerous ways such as you can enroll in a training program, opt for online courses, books & YouTube videos, etc. Apart from upskilling yourself, you need to look after satisfying all the academic background criteria that you may need while making a career in a particular domain.

Important Resources: 

(iv) Validate Your Knowledge with Project Development & Certifications

In such a highly-competitive era, only learning is not sufficient – you’re required to validate your skills and knowledge as well to showcase your abilities. One of the best approaches for this is Project Development. You can consider building various minor and major projects based on your tech domain. It will not only help you to get practical exposure to particular tools & technologies but will also add much-needed value to your resume. Furthermore, you can opt to possess some valid certifications to validate your skills. There are numerous standard certification programs for each and every domain such as Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect for Cloud domain, CCNP Enterprise for Networking discipline, and many more. Also, you can participate in various coding challenges, hackathons, contribute to open-source, etc. to enhance your skills.

Important Resources:

How to Get a Job in IT: 4 Step Guide

Everyone knows that mainly after the global pandemic the entire scenario of jobs and businesses across the world has significantly changed. We’ve seen various unwanted situations like layoffs, lack of job openings, salary-cut, etc. around us. However, the IT industry is one of those few sectors that is still providing numerous career opportunities to individuals and looking very much resilient in terms of growing & generating employment opportunities in the future. And that’s perhaps the reason that a majority of individuals are looking forward to breaking into the IT field. Let’s take a look at the below-mentioned numbers for more clarification:


  • The annual revenue of the IT industry in India is expected to reach around $350 billion by the year 2025.
  • More than 200 Indian IT firms are already present in nearly 80 countries across the world.
  • Technologies like Cloud, AI, etc. are expected to be utilized by more than 80% of global organizations by the year 2022.

From all these facts and figures, it has been clear the IT industry has a lot more to offer for making a successful career out of it. Now, the question arises, how to get a job in the IT industry?

So, you need to understand that there is not any rocket science or magic behind it – all you’re required to do is climb the ladder step by step. In general, you need to get out of your comfort zone, prioritize things, and follow the right approaches with the right mindset. And if you’re still getting stuck with concerns like ‘Where and how to start, etc. then do not worry as here in this article we’ll let you know about the strategical approaches in detail, from the beginning stage to the final one, land a job in IT sector.

Okay, firstly let us divide the entire process into 4 steps:

  1. Upskilling
  2. Job Hunting
  3. Interview Preparation

Now, let’s get started with each step in detail:

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