Job Hunting

Now let’s come to the second step, Job Hunting. Here, you’ll be required to follow the strategic approaches that can help you to get some worthwhile job opportunities:

(i) Shortlist the Companies as per your Requirements

Okay, so you have to start the job hunting process by shortlisting the companies of your tech domain and considering your own preferences as well if any. For example, if you’re looking forward to joining a startup working on web development technologies then you’re required to do some extensive research to find out similar companies and you can even filter out some of them from these also based on several other crucial factors like growth opportunities, company culture, etc. Also, while shortlisting the companies, you will get to know if you’re the right person for the particular domain or not by going through the roles & responsibilities of the job profile. In addition, freshers are strongly recommended to not consider salary and other perks as the primary factor while shortlisting the companies instead try to look out for the companies where you actually will get to work, learn and grow.

(ii) Create a Personalized and Creative Resume

A Resume is responsible for making the first impression of yours on recruiters hence you need to create an enriching, professional, and personalized resume to land some worthwhile job opportunities. But do you know what is a personalized resume? If not, then let us tell you – a personalized resume is some sort of customized resume that is designed for a particular job opportunity or company. It actually helps you to make your resume stand out and gain the attention of recruiters. Also, you need to update your resume regularly and there are numerous tools available over the web such as CV Engineer, NovoResume, and many more that can help you to build a remarkable resume efficiently and conveniently.

(iii) Market Yourself in all Possible Ways

So, it’s time to dive into the battle. You’re required to market yourself and get visible to the recruiters of all the shortlisted companies in all possible ways. You can make use of various online job portals where you can conveniently build a profile and can reach out to hundreds and hundreds of recruiters across the world with just a few clicks. Also, you need to understand the importance of personal branding if you won’t be able to showcase your worth and skills to recruiters or other industry professionals then what will prompt them to give any job opportunity to you? You can consider creating your blog, portfolio website, YouTube channel, etc. to market yourself and demonstrate your skills and knowledge.

Important Resources: 

(iv) Grow Your Network and Ask for Referrals

Undoubtedly, there are numerous worthwhile advantages of having worthwhile professional networking from career perspectives, not only for the freshers but for experienced ones also. You won’t believe it but as per the reports around 60% of jobs are found through networking. The people in your network can help you to know about various relevant job opportunities, and crucial insights such as tech skills, certifications, etc., recommendations, and much more. And when you get an inside referral from an individual working in a particular company, it actually boosts your chances of getting selected. Hence, you definitely should work out your professional network and connect with industry people. There are various online platforms such as LinkedIn, CutShort, etc. that can help you with this, and also you can attend various tech conferences, seminars, meetups, etc. for some positive outcomes.

How to Get a Job in IT: 4 Step Guide

Everyone knows that mainly after the global pandemic the entire scenario of jobs and businesses across the world has significantly changed. We’ve seen various unwanted situations like layoffs, lack of job openings, salary-cut, etc. around us. However, the IT industry is one of those few sectors that is still providing numerous career opportunities to individuals and looking very much resilient in terms of growing & generating employment opportunities in the future. And that’s perhaps the reason that a majority of individuals are looking forward to breaking into the IT field. Let’s take a look at the below-mentioned numbers for more clarification:


  • The annual revenue of the IT industry in India is expected to reach around $350 billion by the year 2025.
  • More than 200 Indian IT firms are already present in nearly 80 countries across the world.
  • Technologies like Cloud, AI, etc. are expected to be utilized by more than 80% of global organizations by the year 2022.

From all these facts and figures, it has been clear the IT industry has a lot more to offer for making a successful career out of it. Now, the question arises, how to get a job in the IT industry?

So, you need to understand that there is not any rocket science or magic behind it – all you’re required to do is climb the ladder step by step. In general, you need to get out of your comfort zone, prioritize things, and follow the right approaches with the right mindset. And if you’re still getting stuck with concerns like ‘Where and how to start, etc. then do not worry as here in this article we’ll let you know about the strategical approaches in detail, from the beginning stage to the final one, land a job in IT sector.

Okay, firstly let us divide the entire process into 4 steps:

  1. Upskilling
  2. Job Hunting
  3. Interview Preparation

Now, let’s get started with each step in detail:

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