std::shared_mutex vs std::mutex

Similar to std::mutex, std::shared_mutex is a synchronization primitive that prevents concurrent access to shared resources. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of std::shared_mutex over std::mutex

The std::shared_mutex has the following advantages over std::mutex:

  • Enhanced Parallelism: Multiple threads can access the shared data for reading operation at once enhancing the parallelism of the program where only read operation is required.

Advantages of std::shared_mutex over std::mutex

  • Limited Flexibility: There are only two types of locks that the std::shared_mutex supports: shared locks and unique locks. Additional lock types, such as recursive and postponed locks, are supported via the std::mutex.
  • Increased Complexity: Compared to std::mutex, std::shared_mutex has greater complexity. It may become more challenging to understand and apply.

std::shared_mutex in C++

In C++, std::mutex is a mechanism that locks access to the shared resource when some other thread is working on it so that errors such as race conditions can be avoided and threads can be synchronized. But in some cases, several threads need to read the data from shared resources at the same time. Here, the std::shared_mutex comes into play. In this article, we will discuss the std::shared_mutex, its associated methods, and how it is different from the std::mutex in C++.

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std::shared_mutex in C++

In C++, std::shared_mutex is a synchronization primitive that lets several threads use a shared resource simultaneously for reading while guaranteeing exclusive writing access. It is helpful in situations where many threads need read-only access to the same data structure, but write operations aren’t often used....

Methods Associated with std::shared_mutex

The std::shared_mutex contains several member methods that are required to perform different operations. Some of the commonly used functions are:...

Example of std::shared_lock

C++ // C++ program to illustrate the use of shared_mutex #include #include #include #include using namespace std;    // creating a shared_mutex object shared_mutex mutx; int shared_data = 11;    // callable with shared lock void readData() {     shared_lock lock(mutx);     cout << "Thread " << this_thread::get_id() << ": ";      cout << shared_data << endl; }    // callable with unique_lock void writeData(int n) {     unique_lock lock(mutx);     shared_data = n;     cout << "Thread" << this_thread::get_id() << ": \n"; }    // driver code int main() {     thread t1(readData);     thread t2(writeData, 128);     thread t3(writeData, 10);     thread t4 (readData);            t1.join();     t2.join();     t3.join();     t4.join();     return 0; }...

std::shared_mutex vs std::mutex



Similar to std::mutex, std::shared_mutex is a synchronization primitive that prevents concurrent access to shared resources. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages....


Following are some main applications of std::shared_mutex:...

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