Squares and Cubes from 1 to 50

Here, a list of squares and cubes from 1 to 50 is given. Learning these values will help students to reduce their calculation time and they can easily solve complex problems.

Squares 1 to 50

Number Square Number Square Number Square Number Square Number Square
1 1 11 121 21 441 31 961 41 1681
2 4 12 144 22 484 32 1024 42 1764
3 9 13 169 23 529 33 1089 43 1849
4 16 14 196 24 576 34 1156 44 1936
5 25 15 225 25 625 35 1225 45 2025
6 36 16 256 26 676 36 1296 46 2116
7 49 17 289 27 729 37 1369 47 2209
8 64 18 324 28 784 38 1444 48 2304
9 81 19 361 29 841 39 1521 49 2401
10 100 20 400 30 900 40 1600 50 2500

Cube 1 to 50

Number Cube Number Cube Number Cube Number Cube Number Cube
1 1 11 1331 21 9261 31 29791 41 68921
2 8 12 1728 22 10648 32 32768 42 74088
3 27 13 2197 23 12167 33 35937 43 79507
4 64 14 2744 24 13824 34 39304 44 85184
5 125 15 3375 25 15625 35 42875 45 91125
6 216 16 4096 26 17576 36 46656 46 97336
7 343 17 4913 27 19683 37 50653 47 103823
8 512 18 5832 28 21952 38 54872 48 110592
9 729 19 6859 29 24389 39 59319 49 117649
10 1000 20 8000 30 27000 40 64000 50 125000

Squares and Cubes

Squares and Cubes are mathematical operations involving numbers that are essential in various areas of mathematics. Square of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself where as a cube of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself twice.

In this article, we will learn what is Square and Cube Number. We will also learn about Perfect Squares and Cube and Square and Cube charts 1 to 100.

Table of Content

  • What is Square Number?
  • What is Cube Number?
  • Perfect Square and Cubes
  • Squares and Cubes from 1 to 50
  • Chart of Squares and Cubes 1 to 100

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