Some Facts About Water

Water is essential for life on Earth. It regulates body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes. The human body is made up of 60–70% water.

  • Water is called a “universal solvent” due to its unique molecular structure, with polar covalent bonds, enables it to dissolve a wide range of substances. This property facilitates the transportation of nutrients, and the regulates temperature in living organisms
  • Water is the only substance on Earth that naturally exists in three states: at normal temperatures liquid (water), freezes into ice (solid) at 0°C (32° F), and boils into vapour (gas) at 100°C (212 °F).
  • Most substances become denser when they solidify, but solid water or ice is actually less dense. This property is essential for the survival of aquatic life in cold temperatures as ice floats on water. If ice sink, it would eventually freeze the entire body of water making it unbearable.
  • Almost all of Earth’s water is in the oceans, and most freshwater is in ice. 1.7% of the world’s water is frozen. 68.7% of the fresh water on Earth is trapped in glaciers.
  • Water molecules are made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen. Water freezes into a solid state at 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Water for All – Importance of Water and Ways to Save it

Water is the source of life. It is essential for the survival of all living beings. It regulates body temperature, aids digestion, and facilitates nutrient absorption. Adequate water intake is crucial for overall health, promoting hydration, and supporting vital processes within the body. Conserving and responsibly managing water resources is important for maintaining ecological balance and the preservation of biodiversity. Let’s examine the various ways in which water influences our daily lives.

Table of Content

  • Some Facts About Water
  • What is the Importance of Water?
  • Role of Water in Human Body
  • Water Problem in the World and Solutions
  • Ways to Save Water

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