Solved Examples of Structure of Nucleus

Example 1: Compare the radii of two nuclei with mass numbers 1 and 27 respectively.


Radius of nucleus R = R0A1/3

 [Tex]\frac{R_1}{R_2}= \big(\frac{A_1}{A_2}\big)^{1/3} [/Tex]

 R1/R2 = (1/27)1/3

            = 1/3

Example 2: What is the nuclear radius of 125Fe if that of 27Al is 3.6 fermi?


Nuclear radius, R = R0A1/3 ⇒ R∝A1/3

For Al, A = 27, RAl = 3.6 fermi, 

For Fe A = 125

[Tex]\frac{R_{Fe}}{R_{Al}}= \big(\frac{A_{Fe}}{A_{Al}}\big)^{1/3} [/Tex]

RFe/RAl = (125/27)1/3

RFe = (5/3)RAl 

       = (5/3) ×3.6 fermi

RFe = 6 fermi

Example 3: A neutron breaks into a proton and electron. Calculate the energy produced in this reaction in MeV. Mass of an electron = 9.1 ×10-31 kg, Mass of proton = 1.6725×10-27 kg, Mass of neutron 1.6747×10-27 kg. Speed of light = 3×108 ms-1.


Mass defect ()m = Mass of neutron – (mass of proton + mass of electron)

m = [(1.6747×10-27) – (1.6725×10-27 + 9.1 ×10-31)]

m = 0.0013×10-27 kg

Energy released Q = mc2

Q = (0.0013×10-27) × (3×108)2

    = 1.17×10-13 J

Q = (1.173×10-13) / (1.6×10-19)

    = 0.73×106 eV

Q = 0.73 MeV

Example 4: Find the binding energy of 126C. Also, find the binding energy per nucleon. Given mass of 11H = 1.0078 u, 10n =1.0087 u, 126C = 12.00004u.


One atom of 126C consists of 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. The mass of the uncombined protons and electrons is the same as that of six 11H atoms.

Mass of six 11H atoms = 6×1.0078 = 6.0468 u

Mass of six neutrons = 6 × 1.0087 = 6.0522 u

Total mass of particles = 6.0468 +6.0522 
                                    = 12.0990 u

Mass of 126C atom = 12.00004

Mass defect = 12.0990 – 12.00004 
                   = 0.0990 

Binding energy = 931 × (0.099) 
                        = 92 MeV

Binding energy per nucleon = 92/12
                                            = 7.66 MeV

Structure of Nucleus

The nucleus of an atom consists of two types of particles, positively charged particles called protons and neutrally charged particles called neutrons. Protons + Neutrons in an atom represent the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus of an atom is represented by ZXA, where X is the nucleus of an atom, Z is the atomic number and A is the mass number.

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Solved Examples of Structure of Nucleus

Example 1: Compare the radii of two nuclei with mass numbers 1 and 27 respectively....

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