Software Developer Resume Template



[Your Name]

[Your Address] | [Your Email] | [Your Phone Number] | [LinkedIn Profile] | [GitHub Profile]


Aspiring Software Engineer with a strong academic foundation and hands-on experience in developing and testing APIs. Adept at using modern technologies to create efficient and scalable solutions. Eager to contribute skills in software development and problem-solving to a dynamic team.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University Name, City, State

  • Expected Graduation: [Month Year]
  • Relevant Courses: Software Engineering, Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Management

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: [List languages relevant to the position, e.g., Java, Python, C++]
  • Web Technologies: [List relevant technologies, e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript]
  • Database Systems: [List relevant databases, e.g., MySQL, MongoDB]
  • API Development: [Specify experience with API development tools, e.g., Swagger]
  • Version Control: [Specify version control systems, e.g., Git]
  • Testing: [Specify testing tools and frameworks, e.g., JUnit, Postman]
  • Operating Systems: [Specify OS familiarity, e.g., Linux, Windows]


API Testing Automation Project

  • Developed and executed comprehensive API test cases using [specific testing tools].
  • Collaborated with a cross-functional team to identify and resolve API issues, ensuring compliance with project requirements.
  • Achieved a 95% success rate in API test automation, contributing to the project’s overall success.

E-commerce Website Development

  • Built a fully functional e-commerce website using [languages and frameworks].
  • Implemented secure API endpoints for payment processing, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Integrated third-party APIs for real-time inventory updates and order tracking.

Internship Experience

Software Engineering Intern | [Company Name, City, State] | [Month Year] – [Month Year]

  • Assisted in the development and testing of APIs for a client-facing application.
  • Worked closely with senior engineers to troubleshoot and optimize API performance.
  • Conducted thorough testing and debugging, ensuring API functionality met project specifications.


  • [List relevant certifications, e.g., Certified Software Development Professional]

Academic Achievements

  • [Any academic awards or recognitions]

Extracurricular Activities

  • [Any relevant extracurricular activities demonstrating leadership or teamwork]

LinkedIn Keywords

[Include a section specifically listing keywords relevant to the desired position, such as API testing, software development, programming languages, etc.]

GitHub Profile

[Include a link to your GitHub profile showcasing relevant projects and contributions]

Remember to tailor this template to your specific experiences, skills, and achievements. Use the LinkedIn keywords section to include terms frequently used in job descriptions for software engineering positions. Additionally, customize the technical skills and projects sections to align with the specific technologies and tools mentioned in job postings.

Use this template to create your own: Software Developer Resume Template

Software Developer Resume: Template, Examples and Tips

Software Developer Resume is your gateway to exciting opportunities, in this fast-paced world of software development. Standing out in a sea of applications requires a document that showcases your technical prowess and problem-solving skills with precision. No matter if you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, crafting a compelling resume is crucial to land your dream job.

Here’s your toolkit to build a software developer resume that grabs attention and gets you noticed:

Table of Content

  • Software Developer Resume Template
  • Software Developer Resume Sample
  • Software Developer Resume Building Tips

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Software Developer Resume Sample


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