Difference Between Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
When it comes to making a website or app coding involves basically three types of languages i.e the programming language, Scripting Language and Markup Language....
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Top Front-End Frameworks in 2024
A front-end development framework is a pre-written collection of standardized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that developers can use to build web applications or websites more efficiently....
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How to Setup Browsersync for Web Development in Ubuntu?
BrowserSync is an automation tool which is used extensively in web development. This tool makes our testing and tweaking faster by synchronizing file changes and interactions across many devices....
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Meteor | Introduction to Meteor
Meteor is a full stack JavaScript platform that is used for developing modern web and mobile applications. Meteor has a set of features that are helpful in creating a responsive and reactive web or mobile application using javaScript or different packages available in the framework. It is used to build connected-client reactive applications. Features of Meteor are as follows:...
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L.A.M.P. Stack Setup in AWS
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the global leaders in IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) for cloud ecosystems, that is used to create a scalable cloud application. So in this article, we are going to learn how to set up a web server (L.A.M.P. stack) by using AWS EC2 service....
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How to Become a Cyber Security Consultant?
The growing demand for the CyberSecurity domain in the tech world has increased the need for cybersecurity professionals in the industry, giving rise to various career opportunities to people interested in making their career in the cybersecurity sphere. However, as people are still not much aware of the career options in the cybersecurity field, there is too much confusion amongst the people while planning to start a career in it.  Though, out of many professions in this particular sector, Cybersecurity Consultant is one of the most exciting and challenging jobs for the aspirants....
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Best 5 React Animation Libraries
Reactjs is the library of javascript and it is mainly famous for making more user-friendly user interfaces. These days modern web applications are becoming more complex to make them more attractive to users. For a React developer, It is very important to make the web app smoother by implementing the animations, we can easily achieve this by animating the text or images to complex 2D and 3D animations. It will make your website more attractive and increase the user experience. In this article, we will compare and see the top best react animation libraries that can speed up your development and save you some time....
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A to Z Terms of Web Development
The A to Z of Web Development encompasses a diverse range of technologies and concepts. From Accessibility to Zero-Day vulnerabilities, it covers aspects like front-end frameworks, database management, server-side scripting, security, and more, forming the backbone of digital experiences on the internet. Each letter represents a crucial element, demonstrating the complexity and richness of the ever-evolving web development landscape....
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Mutex vs Semaphore
In the Operating System, Mutexes and Semaphores are kernel resources that provide synchronization services (also known as synchronization primitives). Synchronization is required when multiple processes are executing concurrently, to avoid conflicts between processes using shared resources....
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Minimum decrements required such that sum of all adjacent pairs in an Array does not exceed K
Given an array a[] consisting of N positive integers, and an integer K, the task is to find the minimum number of operations required to make the sum of adjacent elements less than or equal to K, where, one operation involves decreasing any array element by 1. For every ith element in the given array, the operations can be performed 0 to a[i] times. Since the answer can be large, compute it modulo 109 + 7....
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Important functions of STL Components in C++
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Count of the non-prime divisors of a given number
Given a number N, the task is to find the count of non-prime divisors of the given number N....
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