Similarities Between Brain and Mind.

  • The combination of both brain and mind creates the reality of human life.
  • Both brain and mind are affected by outside factors. For example: learning and social interaction.
  • Both brain and mind are elastic in nature they can adapt and learn new things.
  • They both help in decision making process.
  • They both help in the proper functioning of human body (like movements of body parts).
  • It’s not possible to experience the brain and mind without the help of eachother.
  • They both are affected by drug and chemical uses.
  • Human is far from understanding the full workings of both the brain and mind.

Difference Between Brain and Mind

Difference Between Brain and Mind: The brain and mind are two very different concepts; the brain is a physical body part, while the mind is an intangible concept. These both are essential for a human being to function properly,  the brain is responsible for physical functions done by our senses and the mind is responsible for abstract thinking and emotions. People live their life inside their minds.

In simple words, the brain is the hardware of our body and the mind is the software inside the brain.  The brain is an organ inside the skull that controls voluntary and involuntary actions. It sends signals to every other organ of the body to function properly. Every emotion is created by different parts of our brain. Every memory is stored inside the brain. The mind is the house of all human feelings and memories. The mind is an intangible entity that is associated with the brain and is responsible for things like consciousness and emotions. The mind is not a physical organ rather it is a product of the brain’s workings.

Before learning the difference between mind and brain, one must know about their meaning and concepts  that are  discussed as follows:

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Mind vs Brain

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Similarities Between Brain and Mind.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Explain the working of the Brain and Mind simultaneously....

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