Send Email to Multiple Recipients using Python

If you need to send the same message to different people. You can use for loop for that. For example, you have a list of email ids to which you need to send the same mail. To do so, insert a “for” loop between the initialization and termination of the SMTP session. Loop will initialize turn by turn and after sending the email, the SMTP session will be terminated. 


import smtplib
# list of email_id to send the mail
li = ["", ""]
for dest in li:
    s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    s.login("sender_email_id", "sender_email_id_password")
    message = "Message_you_need_to_send"
    s.sendmail("sender_email_id", dest, message)

Some Important Points:

  • One of the most amazing things about this code is that we can send any number of emails using this and Gmail mostly puts your mail in the primary section. Sent emails would not be detected as Spam generally.
  • File handling can also be used to fetch email IDs from a file and further used for sending emails.
  • This code can send simple mail which doesn’t have any attachment or any subject.

Send Emails Using Python

By using Python, you can send emails which can be a valuable skill for automation, communication, and data-driven processes. In this article, we will explore how to send mail from Gmail using Python.

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Send Email to Multiple Recipients using Python


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