Searching in B+ Tree

Searching in a B-tree involves traversing the tree from the root to find the node that might contain the desired key.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  • Start at the root of the B+ tree.
  • Check if the current node is a leaf node.
  • If not a leaf node, compare the search key with the keys in the node to determine the appropriate child node to traverse.
  • If a leaf node, search for the key within the keys stored in the leaf node.
  • If the key is found, return the corresponding value.
  • If the key is not found in any leaf node, return a failure indication (e.g., null or false).
  • Repeat steps 3-6 until the key is found or until there are no more child nodes to traverse.

Below is the implementation of the above idea:

import math

# Node creation
class Node:
    def __init__(self, order):
        self.order = order
        self.values = []
        self.keys = []
        self.nextKey = None
        self.parent = None
        self.check_leaf = False

    # Search operation
    def search(self, value):
        current_node = self
        while(not current_node.check_leaf):
            temp2 = current_node.values
            for i in range(len(temp2)):
                if (value == temp2[i]):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1]
                elif (value < temp2[i]):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i]
                elif (i + 1 == len(current_node.values)):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1]
        return current_node

# B plus tree
class BplusTree:
    def __init__(self, order):
        self.root = Node(order)
        self.root.check_leaf = True

    # Search operation
    def search(self, value):
        current_node = self.root
        while(not current_node.check_leaf):
            temp2 = current_node.values
            for i in range(len(temp2)):
                if (value == temp2[i]):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1]
                elif (value < temp2[i]):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i]
                elif (i + 1 == len(current_node.values)):
                    current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1]
        return current_node

# Print the tree
def printTree(tree):
    lst = [tree.root]
    level = [0]
    leaf = None
    flag = 0
    lev_leaf = 0

    node1 = Node(str(level[0]) + str(tree.root.values))

    while (len(lst) != 0):
        x = lst.pop(0)
        lev = level.pop(0)
        if (x.check_leaf == False):
            for i, item in enumerate(x.keys):
            for i, item in enumerate(x.keys):
            if (flag == 0):
                lev_leaf = lev
                leaf = x
                flag = 1

# Main code
record_len = 3
bplustree = BplusTree(record_len)'5')


    print("Not found")


Time Complexity: O(log n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

B+ Tree in Python

In computer science, data structures are crucial in efficiently managing and organizing data. Among these, the B+ tree is a powerful and important data structure, widely used in databases and file systems. In this article, we will discuss the concept of B+ trees, exploring their structure, operations, and implementation in Python.

B+ Tree in Python

Table of Content

  • What is a B+ Tree?
  • Key Characteristics of B+ Trees
  • Operations on B+ Trees
  • Searching in B+ Tree
  • Insertion in B+ Tree
  • Deletion in B+ Tree

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