Required Packages

First of all create a folder in your system for this project and after that install FastAPI, uvicorn and python-jose to generate and verify the JWT tokens in Python. Use these commands to install these packages.

pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn
pip install python-jose

After successful installation of these libraries, we can easily create out JWT and test it with FastAPI.

How to Generate JWT Tokens using FastAPI in Python

In this article, we will see how to create and validate a JWT in the FastAPI framework. This is a very basic example of how to create and validate the tokens, this is just for reference, and using this approach one can easily create JWT according to the need and use it accordingly while validation. A simple example of this can be the implementation of the SSO feature in web applications. we will create signed JSON web tokens in FastAPI. This article will be covered in following subtopics:

  • What are JWTs and when to use JWTs 
  • Necessary installations.
  • Creating and using JWT in fastapi.

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What are JWTs and when to use JWTs?

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC7519) which is used to define a secure way for transforming information between two parties. The information/message/data is digitally signed using private or public keys when it is shared using JWT....

Required Packages

First of all create a folder in your system for this project and after that install FastAPI, uvicorn and python-jose to generate and verify the JWT tokens in Python. Use these commands to install these packages....

Creating and Using JWT in FastAPI

Step 1: In your project directory create a file called

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