Reactions of Ethanoic Acid

Some important chemical reaction of Ethanoic Acid are:

Esterification Reaction

When a carboxylic acid interacts with alcohol, it produces esters, which are a new family of chemical molecules. Esterification is the chemical process that results in the production of esters. When Ethanoic Acid (a carboxylic acid) combines with Ethanol (ethyl alcohol), it forms ethyl ethanoate (an ester). The reaction of Ethanoic Acid and Ethanol is added below,


This reaction produces a novel class of chemical compounds with a distinct fruity odour that makes them easily identifiable.

Esters are employed in the food business as synthetic flavouring agents and in the perfume industry for their pleasant scents. Apart from that, one of the most common uses of esters is in the manufacture of soaps. When esters react with any base (especially alkalis), a carboxylic acid salt is formed, which is the basic molecular structure of soap. The saponification reaction is the name for this process. This reaction is best carried out with higher molecular weight esters. The following is a broad explanation of the saponification reaction:


Reaction with Base

The acid ethanoic acid is a weak one. It interacts with a base to create one molecule of salt and one molecule of water, much like any other acid. Ethanoic acid reacts with Sodium Hydroxide (a base) to create sodium ethanoate and water, as shown below:


Sodium ethanoate has a variety of industrial applications, including the neutralisation of sulfuric acid (used to clean fibres) in the textile industry, as a preservative and mild seasoning and flavouring agent in the food industry, and as a buffering agent with Ethanoic acid (commonly known as the acetate buffer) to maintain the pH of a medium.

Reaction with Carbonates

When ethanol reacts with carbonates or hydrogen derivatives of carbonates (hydrogen carbonates, also known as bicarbonates), salt is formed as a by-product, along with carbon dioxide and water.

2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

Manufacturing of Soap

Animal fats or vegetable oils (olive oils, castor oil, or palm oil) are heated with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide to make the soap. To make soap, heat fat or vegetable oils with a strong sodium hydroxide solution until soap and glycerol are formed. Saponification reaction is the name given to the process of making soap. Glycerol is a valuable by-product of this process since it is used to make a variety of chemical compounds, explosives, and pharmaceuticals.

RCOOR’ (ester) + NaOH (base) → RCOO–Na+ (Soap) + R’OH (alcohol)

Ethanoic Acid

Ethanoic Acid (CH3COOH) which is also known as Acetic Acid is the most generally available acid. Its common name is Vinegar. Vinegar is a popular home product made from a solution of 5-8 % Ethanoic Acid in water. Ethanoic Acid is commonly used in kitchens as a preservative for foods. Ethanoic acid is a weak acid and consuming it in mild concentration does not affect our health.

In this article, we will learn about What is Ethanoic Acid? Structure of Ethanoic Acid, Properties of Ethanoic Acid, Uses of Ethanoic Acid and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Ethanoic Acid?
  • Structure of Ethanoic Acid
  • Method of Preparation
  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Properties
  • Uses of Ethanoic Acid

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