Production of Nanoparticles

Naturally occurring nanoparticles include oxides and carbonates that are generated in large quantities during the combustion of diesel fuel. They are also produced during volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Nanoparticles can be made synthetically which plays a significant role in various fields. With the development of nanotechnology, a range of nanoparticles is produced synthetically as per the required shape and dimensions ranging between 1 and 100 nanometers. The objective is to obtain components with specific surface characteristics and chemical compositions. 

They are distinct in their properties and can be used effectively to serve diverse purposes. These properties can contribute to stronger, lighter, cleaner systems and products widely used in industrial, medical, and domestic sectors. The size and surface characteristics of nanoparticles can be manipulated which makes it easier to apply in various ways to achieve desired results.

Nanoparticles Types, Production and Uses

As the name suggests, nanoparticles are very small size particles. The size of nanoparticles is in the range of 1 -100 nanometers. So any particles below 100 nm in size can be termed nanoparticles. These particles are found to be composed of a few hundred atoms. These small-sized particles of any material possess some distinct properties and qualities that are significantly different from the bulk material. Due to the very small size, the ratio of surface area to volume is much more in the case of a nanoparticle. This feature attributes to some unique optical, chemical, and physical properties. For example, particles of a metal having size less than 50 nm have different performance in terms of ductility as compared to the larger size of the same metal. 

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Production of Nanoparticles:

Naturally occurring nanoparticles include oxides and carbonates that are generated in large quantities during the combustion of diesel fuel. They are also produced during volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Nanoparticles can be made synthetically which plays a significant role in various fields. With the development of nanotechnology, a range of nanoparticles is produced synthetically as per the required shape and dimensions ranging between 1 and 100 nanometers. The objective is to obtain components with specific surface characteristics and chemical compositions....

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