Primary Terminologies Related To Job Definition And Job Queues

  • Compute Environment: A configurable computing environment in AWS Batch that defines the infrastructure specifications and resource allocation parameters for executing jobs such as EC2 instances, containerized environments or serverless computing options like AWS Fargate.
  • Compute Resource Allocation: The assignment and provisioning of computational resources, such as CPU, memory and networking capacity to individual jobs within AWS Batch based on their requirements and availability within the associated compute environment.
  • Job Definition: A template or blueprint that specifies the parameters and configurations required to execute a particular job within AWS Batch including the container image, command and runtime environment settings.
  • Job Queue: A logical entity within AWS Batch that manages the scheduling and execution of jobs providing a mechanism for prioritizing and processing tasks based on configurable policies and resource constraints.
  • Job Status: The current state or stage of a job within the execution lifecycle such as pending, runnable, running, succeeded or failed indicating if the job is queued, actively processing or has completed its execution.
  • Job Priority: A numerical value assigned to jobs within a job queue to determine their relative importance or urgency influencing the order in which they are processed and allocated computational resources.
  • Job Dependency: A relationship between jobs within AWS Batch, where the execution of one job depends on the successful completion of another job or a specific condition being met before proceeding.
  • Job Retry: The automatic or manual process of resubmitting a failed job for execution within AWS Batch either with the same or modified parameters to attempt to complete the task successfully.
  • Job Monitoring And Logging: The collection and analysis of job-related metrics, logs and performance indicators within AWS Batch to track job progress and diagnose issues to provide workflow efficiency.

Job Definitions And Job Queues In AWS Batch

AWS Batch is a widely used tool for batch processing and managing workloads on AWS cloud. Batch allows user to focus on managing application. AWS Batch supports many advanced features including batch job scheduling, resource optimization and monitoring. Jobs in AWS Batch are small units of work submitted to the aws batch environment for execution. Batch job can be any task or process that you want to run on AWS Batch such as data processing or any custom application workload. In this blog, we will discuss about Job Definitions and Job Queues in AWS Batch in detail.

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Primary Terminologies Related To Job Definition And Job Queues

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