Other Factors Of Naxalism

Here are some other factors of the Naxalism in India as mentioned below.

Mismanagement of Forests

  • British laws monopolized the forest resources.
  • It made the situations very worse in after 1990 with Indian government policies.
  • It sparked the forest dwellers and also fueled the opposition against the government.

Disorganised Tribal Policies

  • Post-independence, the government failed to implement proper tribal policies.
  • Tribal communities left resourceless and joined Naxalite movements across states.

Intraregional and Interregional Discrepancies

  • Lack of government schemes for the poor. It pushed them towards Naxalism.
  • Naxalites was considered as a voice for lower economic class that attracted so much support.

Absence of Land Reforms and Industrialisation

  • Government’s half-hearted land reforms failed to uplift rural economy.
  • Poor employment opportunities in rural areas drove people to protest and join Naxal movement.

Forest Cover in India

  • Naxalites take advantage of forest cover in rural areas to hurt the authorities.
  • They formed groups and established camps in forests for their own protection.

Indian Youth

  • Lack of job opportunities for new resources fuels attraction towards Naxalism.
  • Rise in Naxalism among youth due to idealism.

Naxalism : Causes, Factors & Objectives

Naxalism was started in 1967 in Naxalbari village of West Bengal. It began as a farmer protest against the unfair treatment of them by local landlords. The Naxalbari uprising was led by Kanu Sanyal and Jagan Santhal. The rebels aimed to redistribute land fairly to the working peasants. This movement has spread to Eastern India, particularly in less developed states like Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh.

In this article, we are going to discuss Naxalism and its impact in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Naxalism?
  • Major Causes Of Naxalism
  • Other Factors Of Naxalism
  • Objectives of Left-Wing Extremism
  • Efforts to Tackle Naxalism in India
  • State Government Initiatives Against Naxalism

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