Opening a CSV in PandasGUI

To open a CSV file in PandasGUI we need to use the show() function. Let’s start by import it along with pandas. Click here to get the dataset.


from pandasgui import show
import pandas as pd

The next thing we do is to load our CSV as DataFrame using read_csv() and pass that dataframe into the show() as an argument.


df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


This is our dataframe and we can scroll around and get an overview of the data. You can see empty cells that represent NaN values. You can edit the data by clicking on a cell and editing its value. You can sort the dataframe based on a particular column by simply clicking the column. In the picture below we can sort the dataframe based on the column Total_bill by clicking on it.

Data Exploration using Pandas GUI

Data Preprocessing is an important part of the Data Science pipeline, you need to find out about various irregularities in the data, you manipulate your features, etc. Pandas is a tool that we use very often for manipulating the data, along with seaborn and matplotlib for Data Visualization. PandasGUI is a library that makes this task much easier by providing a GUI interface that can be used to make 

Installing PandasGUI

You can install PandasGUI like any other python library using the pip command. The command for the same is:-

pip install pandasgui

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