Data Visualization in PandasGUI

Data Visualization isn’t something pandas is usually used for, we use libraries like matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, etc. But PandasGUI offers Interactive Graphs plotted using plotly under the Grapher Section.

You can plot various types of graphs, let’s create a histogram of total_bill by dragging it and dropping it under x.

After that just click on Finish and you’ll be able to see your graph.

Let’s make a barplot.

Along with these, you can create a boxplot, 3d scatter plot, line plot, etc. PandasGUI is a great tool if you want a quick overview of your data, from checking summary statistics to plotting data you can do it easily without the need to code.

Data Exploration using Pandas GUI

Data Preprocessing is an important part of the Data Science pipeline, you need to find out about various irregularities in the data, you manipulate your features, etc. Pandas is a tool that we use very often for manipulating the data, along with seaborn and matplotlib for Data Visualization. PandasGUI is a library that makes this task much easier by providing a GUI interface that can be used to make 

Installing PandasGUI

You can install PandasGUI like any other python library using the pip command. The command for the same is:-

pip install pandasgui

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